Fun Travel Chat with Man City Starlets, Haaland, Stones, and Gundogan: Exploring Memorable Sites and Dream Destinations

Join Erling Haaland, John Stones, and Ilkay Gundogan in an entertaining discussion about their favorite travel destinations and tips in this fun-filled conversation with Man City starlets.
7 May 2023
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When you think of football players, travel may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, Erling Haaland, John Stones, and Ilkay Gundogan are not your average players. In a recent YouTube video, the trio sat down to discuss their favorite places to travel and how they find travel tips. Here are some of the highlights from their fun travel chat:

Finding Travel Tips

Haaland and Gundogan both rely on their partners for travel tips, mainly from Instagram feeds and recommendations from friends and family. Stones, on the other hand, prefers to do his own research and planning for his trips.

Memorable Sites

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi / Expedia
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi / Expedia

When asked about the most memorable sites they have visited, both Haaland and Stones agreed that the mosque in Abu Dhabi and the Louvre were the most impressive. Gundogan also enjoyed his visits to Abu Dhabi and mentioned the Northern Lights in Norway as an unforgettable experience.

Hotels in Abu Dhabi

Food and Drink

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When it comes to cuisine, the players have different preferences. Haaland and Gundogan love Japanese restaurants for their small dishes, while Stones thinks Italian food can never go wrong. As for drinks, they would choose bratwurst in a Munich beer hall over tapas in a square in Barcelona any day.

Hotels in Tokyo, Japan

Exploring Cities

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All three players enjoy exploring new cities and collecting memories while traveling. They mentioned dream destinations such as Australia, India, and South Africa. Stones is particularly interested in going on a safari, while Haaland would love to visit Rome and see the city on foot. Gundogan was impressed by the politeness of the people in Tokyo and the freshness of the sushi.

Hotels in Rome, Italy

Waking Up to Amazing Views

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Haaland and Stones have different preferences when it comes to waking up to a stunning view. Haaland prefers the beach, while Stones loves waking up to the mountains combined with the sun and snow on the tops.

Hotels in Hawaii

Sunrise or Sunset

When asked to choose between sunrise and sunset, Gundogan picked sunset as the easiest, while Haaland picked sunrise to start the day.

The players agreed that traveling is not just about the destination, but also the experience and memories they create along the way. They look forward to exploring new places and making new memories, whether it's for pre-season training or vacation.

Traveling may not be a typical topic for football players, but it's refreshing to see how they also enjoy exploring new places and cultures. As they inspire us on the field, they also inspire us to go out and explore the world.

Hotels near Bromo, Indonesia

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