Riung Gunung Tea Garden: Latest Info and Ticket Prices

Running out of ideas for a vacation in Bandung? It's time for you to visit the Riung Gunung Tea Garden in Pangalengan.
12 Jul 2022 ·By Ayurizka Purwadhania
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Riung Gunung Tea Garden /
Riung Gunung Tea Garden / @jawabaratscenery

Running out of ideas for a vacation in Bandung? It's time for you to visit the Riung Gunung Tea Garden in Pangalengan. This place is a nature tour that has a view of a very wide and green expanse of tea gardens. Curious about this one tourist attraction? Check out more information below!


Riung Gunung Tea Garden Warnasari, Pangalengan, Bandung


Here are the facilities that you can find at the Riung Gunung Tea Garden:

  • Parking area
  • Wooden Bridge
  • Toilet
  • Hammock
  • Mosque
  • Photo Spot
  • Gazebo
  • Camping Group


Photo Spot /
Photo Spot / @fasatwnn
  • Green Expanse of Tea Garden

Riung Gunung Tea Garden has a stretch of tea gardens as far as the eye can see. This makes this tourist spot a favorite to spend weekends or school holidays.

If you are lucky, you can see the process of harvesting tea by farmers directly at the Riung Gunung Tea Garden.

  • Photo Spots

Along the stretch of Riung Gunung Tea Garden, it turns out that there is a wooden bridge that is used to take selfies and is a favorite spot for visitors.

Entrance Ticket Prices and Opening Hours

Then, how much is the entrance ticket to the Riung Gunung Tea Garden tourist attraction? This is the explanation!

  • Entrance Ticket Price: Rp 10,000-/person
  • Camping: Rp 25,000/person
  • Tent rental: Rp 200,000/tent (saving package)
  • Tent rental: Rp 400,000/tent (complete package)

Riung Gunung Tea Garden is open 24 hours a day. Interested in visiting this one nature tour?

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