Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung: Menu Prices, Location, and Opening Hours

Visit Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung and enjoy duck rice and various other menus in the middle of an Italian-style cafe starting from 20.000 IDR.
6 Aug 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Bandung is a city with many kinds of cafes, from modern to vintage Italian style. One of them is Lowen Coffeehouse, which recently opened with a more upgraded concept than before.

Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung: Menu Prices, Location, and Opening Hours (ratnaprawitasari Instagram)
Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung: Menu Prices, Location, and Opening Hours (ratnaprawitasari Instagram)

The best-selling menu from this cafe is duck rice, which previously known as Bebek Eropa. Find the location, opening hours, and menu prices of Lowen Coffeehouse here.

Location, Opening Hours, and Menu Prices of Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung

Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung comes with an Instagrammable Italian-style cafe concept. Check the details.

Location and Opening Hours of Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung

Location and Opening Hours of Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung (ratnaprawitasari Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung (ratnaprawitasari Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung (ratnaprawitasari Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung (ratnaprawitasari Instagram)

Lowen Coffeehouse is located on Jalan Maulana Yusuf No. 21, Bandung Wetan, Bandung City. This cafe is open from 11:00-22:00 WIB every day.

Previously, Lowen Coffeehouse was Bebek Eropa which was also famous in Bandung. Then, they changed the concept to a coffee shop with a more diverse menu.

Occupying an old-style building, the dining area at Lowen Coffeehouse is divided into indoor and outdoor spaces. The outdoor area can be used by visitors who want to hang out while smoking.

Meanwhile, the indoor area is divided into several separate rooms. Here, the ambiance is more comfortable for visitors who want to WFC or me-time.

Menu Prices of Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung

Menu Prices of Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung (ratnaprawitasari Instagram)
Menu Prices of Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung (ratnaprawitasari Instagram)

Lowen Coffeehouse used to be a dining place called Bebek Eropa. Although presented with a new concept, you can still enjoy the duck rice menu here.

In addition, there are pasta, pastries, snacks, coffee, tea, and milk blends. The prices start from 20.000 IDR to 45.000 IDR. Check the Lowen Coffeehouse Bandung menu price list that you must try.

  1. Rosella (22.000 IDR)
  1. Tahu Lada Garam (23.000 IDR)
  1. Cireng Bumbu (23.000 IDR)
  1. Cinnamon Roll (23.000 IDR)
  1. Brownies with Ice Cream (24.000 IDR)
  1. Chimney Bread (24.000 IDR)
  1. French Fries & Sausages (25.000 IDR)
  1. Matcha (25.000 IDR)
  1. Crispy Duck (25.000 IDR)
  1. Owen's Bloom Tea (26.000 IDR)
  1. Leon de Palme (27.000 IDR)
  1. Leon Creme Glacee (27.000 IDR)
  1. Spaghetti Aglio e Olio (28.000 IDR)
  1. Roast Ayam Bebek Taliwang (29.000 IDR)
  1. Roast Duck (36.000 IDR)

Are you interested in eating duck rice in the middle of Bandung City? Feel the delight at Lowen Coffeehouse!

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