Where to Eat in Bali: Try Ayam Sambel Bejek Belayu
Ayurizka Purwadhania
Aug 24

If you go to Bali and want to try special culinary besides satay lilit and mixed rice, you can try the Ayam Sambel Bejek Belayu menu. Why is it called Sambel Bejek? Because the process of making this sambal is "bejek" directly by hand without grinding the ingredients used. The Bejek Sambel is made from shredded chicken, red ginger lily, chili, shallots, and other complementary spices that make it taste fresh and spicy.

Curious about the taste of Ayam Sambel Bejek Belayu? Here's more information!

Sambel Bejek Belayu / shikirayaunisia
Sambel Bejek Belayu / shikirayaunisia


Menu Prices and Opening Hours

Sambel Bejek Belayu / krisnhayunita
Sambel Bejek Belayu / krisnhayunita

A portion of Ayam Sambel Bejek Belayu is priced at IDR 20,000. Usually, each order will be accompanied by bean sprouts and a plate of rice. This stall is always full of daily buyers because many tourists keep coming because they are curious about the taste of Ayam Sambel Bejek Belayu.

Ayam Sambel Bejek Belayu is open daily from 09.00-14.00 but can be closed sooner if the stock of chili sauce runs out. So, you must come early to still enjoy all the menus at Ayam Sambel Bejek Belayu!

Hotels in Tabanan, Bali

12:00 AM · Aug 24, 2022