Umbul Pengging Boyolali: Ticket Prices, Attractions, Location

Umbul Pengging Boyolali offers natural baths with three types of pools and complete facilities for family recreation.
7 Oct 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Umbul Pengging Boyolali is one of the tourist attractions in Boyolali famous for its natural baths. In addition to providing coolness, this place also has historical value and strong traditions that are still preserved until now.

Umbul Pengging Boyolali: Ticket Prices, Attractions, Location
Umbul Pengging Boyolali: Ticket Prices, Attractions, Location

Location and Opening Hours

Umbul Pengging is located in Umbulsari, Bendan, Banyudono District, Boyolali Regency. This place is open every day from 06.00 to 17.00 WIB, so visitors can come in the morning or evening to enjoy the coolness.

Entrance Ticket Prices

The entrance ticket price for weekdays is 3.500 IDR, while on weekends and holidays it costs 4.500 IDR. A very affordable price to enjoy the natural beauty and coolness of Umbul Pengging.

Main Attractions of Umbul Pengging Boyolali

Umbul Pengging Boyolali: Natural Baths with History
Umbul Pengging Boyolali: Natural Baths with History

There are three baths in Umbul Pengging, namely Umbul Temanten with a depth of 50-170 cm, Umbul Ngabean with a depth of 150 cm, and Umbul Dudo. With a total area of ​​2,500 square meters, this bath is a special attraction for tourists who want to feel the freshness of natural water.

Facilities and Activities

Umbul Pengging provides facilities such as stalls, a performance stage, a fishing pond, a prayer room, toilets, and a parking area. Visitors can enjoy swimming in the bathing pool, relaxing around, or even fishing for a relaxing activity on the weekend.

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