Tumpeng Menoreh: Incridible Place To Visit in Yogyakarta

Interested in visiting the Tumpeng Menoreh in Kulon Progo? Check out more information below!
9 Aug 2022 ·By Ayurizka Purwadhania
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Tumpeng Menoreh / @tumpengmenoreh
Tumpeng Menoreh / @tumpengmenoreh

Tumpeng Menoreh is a tourist attraction in Kulon Progo that offers views of the city of Yogyakarta that you can see directly from the hills. Tumpeng Menoreh is the most iconic tourist spot in Yogyakarta because of its unique concept, which combines the concept of a cafe and photo spot with the shape of a building that looks like a pyramid.

Interested in visiting the Tumpeng Menoreh in Kulon Progo? Check out more information below!


It is recommended that you use the route from the direction of Yogyakarta because if you use the route towards Magelang - Borobudur - Ngargoretno, the roads that are passed tend to be dangerous, and you have to use a motorcycle taxi to get to this tourist spot.


The following are the facilities that you can find in Tumpeng Menoreh:

  • Parking area
  • Restaurant & Cafe
  • Photo Spot
  • Villas and Lodging
  • Smoking Area


Tumpeng Menoreh / @sujanasurya
Tumpeng Menoreh / @sujanasurya

The main attraction of the Tumpeng Menoreh tourist attraction in Kulon Progo is the stunning natural scenery on Menoreh hill. In addition, this is one of the attractions open 24 hours non-stop daily in Yogyakarta. In this place, you can find various aesthetic and instagrammable photo spots. On the roof-top, Tumpeng Menoreh is one of the favorite spots for visitors to see the sunrise.

Entrance Ticket Prices and Opening Hours

The following is the entrance ticket price to Tumpeng Menoreh in Kulon Progo:

  • Entrance Ticket: IDR 50,000 (including food & drink voucher IDR 25,000)
  • Motorcycle Parking: IDR 2,000
  • Car Parking: IDR 5,000

The Tumpeng Menoreh tourist attraction is open 24 hours a day, but you are advised to come in the morning starting at 06.00-10.00, so you can see the sunrise from this place and at 15.00-18.00 to see the sunset from Tumpeng Menoreh.

Hotels in Yogyakarta

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