When you travel to Malang, don't forget to explore the various culinary tours in this city. If you're confused about where to start, it's time for you to stop by Warung Sate Gebug, which has been around since 1920 for more than 100 years. This place offers beef satay cuisine that is different from other places.
Gebug is taken from " gebug " in Javanese, meaning "beaten" until the beef becomes soft and tender when cooked. For more than 100 years, this place has never opened a branch and has never changed locations.
Tempted to try this culinary Sate Gebug in Malang? Check out the following information!
Menu Prices and Opening Hours
For those of you who have never been to Sate Gebug in Malang, here is the menu list and the latest prices:
Fatty Satay: IDR 30,000
Fat Satay: IDR 25,000
Soup: IDR 25,000
Soto: IDR 25,000
Rawon: IDR 25,000
White Rice: IDR 6,000
Tempe: IDR 6,000
Crackers: IDR 6,000
Peanuts: IDR 10,000
Chips: IDR 10,000
Tea (Ice/Hot): IDR 5,000-IDR 6,000
Oranges (Ice/Hot): IDR 8,000
Mineral Water: IDR 5,000
Warung Sate Gebug Malang is open daily except for Friday, from 08.00-16.30. Thus, information about the culinary Sate Gebug in Malang can hopefully add your reference for culinary tours in Malang!