Top 5 Recommended Places to Break the Fast Together in Klaten 2023
Ayurizka Purwadhania
Jan 18

Places to Break the Fast Together in Klaten — It's hard to believe that Ramadan has come around again so quickly this year. Alongside worship, breaking the fast together is an important activity during this time. If you're planning a holiday in Klaten and its surrounding areas, here are 5 recommended restaurants for your Iftar meals.

1. Jawi Bali Resto

Jawi Bali Resto / @thejawibali
Jawi Bali Resto / @thejawibali

One of the recommended places to break the fast together in Klaten is Jawi Bali Resto, situated in Karangdowo. This restaurant boasts a traditional Javanese architecture with a delightful Balinese touch. It offers various authentic Central Javanese home-cooked meals that are bursting with flavors and are sure to satisfy your taste buds.

2. Bale Tirto

Bale Tirto / @bella_belle_slalu
Bale Tirto / @bella_belle_slalu

Consider Bale Tirto as the next option for breaking the fast with family or friends in Klaten. This spacious venue has easy access and offers a chance to indulge in various Indonesian delicacies while enjoying the serene and breathtaking atmosphere of the city.

3. Bumi Bawana

Bumi Bawana / @gembulfoodie
Bumi Bawana / @gembulfoodie

Located in Manisrenggo, Bumi Bawana is a cafe and restaurant that offers a traditional concept, blending Java and Bali. With its spacious area, it can be a perfect choice for those looking to break their fast together in Klaten.

4. Kopi Manis Prambanan

Kopi Manis Prambanan / @nomnomklaten
Kopi Manis Prambanan / @nomnomklaten

Kopi Manis Prambanan is a spacious restaurant with a diverse selection of food and makes for a perfect place to break the fast together in Klaten. The restaurant's top-selling dishes include rib soup, Padang-style snapper, sweet and sour fillet gurame, and ndas manyung (fish head), making it an ideal spot for a satisfying iftar meal.

5. Rivermoon

New Rivermoon / @tiyaa6025
New Rivermoon / @tiyaa6025

New Rivermoon adalah rekomendasi terakhir untuk tempat bukber di Klaten yang bisa Anda coba. Tak hanya menu makanannya yang enak, tempat ini juga dikenal memiliki berbagai fasilitas seru untuk liburan keluarga seperti outbound dan river tubing.

Here are five recommended places for breaking the fast together in Klaten that you may want to consider. We hope that these suggestions will provide you with new options to explore!

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12:00 AM · Jan 18, 2023