$1 Per Night Hotel in Japan

This hotel in Japan has a rate of $1 per night. Well, surely there’ll be some terms and conditions to comply.
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Asahi Ryokan, a hotel located in Fukuoka, Japan offers guests an overnight stay for only USD 1 (or JPY 100) per night on condition that they must live stream their experience on YouTube for a full 24 hours.

The idea was brought up by 27-year-old Tetsuya Inoue, who helps his grandmother attract customers to their family-run hotel. As part of this promotion, Asahi Ryokan has also changed its website name to onedollarhotel.com.

Asahi Ryokan, Fukuoka, Japan
Asahi Ryokan, Fukuoka, Japan

Guests are said to not having to worry about their privacy. The stream is video only, meaning guests can chat freely without anyone hearing them. Guests can turn off the lights and streaming is only done in the bedroom area (bathrooms are not allowed to be recorded).

Guest room at Asahi Ryokan, Fukuoka, Japan
Guest room at Asahi Ryokan, Fukuoka, Japan

Apart from marketing, this idea also aims to increase hotel occupancy. If this program is successful, in the long term, Inoue said it is not impossible that the revenue from the hotel's YouTube channel will be higher than the room rental income.

Currently on One Dollar Hotel's YouTube channel there are 5 guests who have accepted this offer and are live streaming their stay experience.

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