Mount Luhur, Land Above the Clouds

Sunrise over the sea of clouds
3 Jun 2022 ·By Ivan Zulfikar
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Sunrise on Mount Luhur /
Sunrise on Mount Luhur / denttryan

Enjoying the sun on the eastern horizon while relaxing on a sea of clouds feels amazing. If you want to get one, one of the places is Mount Luhur which is located in Lebak Regency, Banten.


The sun rising over a sea of clouds /
The sun rising over a sea of clouds / andry682

The sea of clouds on Mount Luhur is famous for its amazing scenery. Try to arrive at Mount Luhur in the 5:30 - 7.00 AM when the weather is clear to be able to enjoy this phenomenal view. You can rent camping needs from local residents to spend the night at Mount Luhur.


Although access to Mount Luhur has been improved in terms of security and convenience so that it can be accessed by 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled vehicles, the route uphill is still quite steep and challenging. Make sure your vehicle is in top condition.

In addition to vehicles, drivers must be reliable, especially if traveling from the direction of Banten. On the other hand, the road from Bogor is much smoother.


Facilities in the camping area are relatively minimal. We recommend booking a tent the day before if you want to camp. Public toilet facilities are provided but they are limited in number so it is generally necessary to queue.

Where to stay?

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