7 The Most Authentic Kebumen Dishes You Must Try
Ayurizka Purwadhania
Jan 18

The Most Authentic Kebumen Dishes — Kebumen, a district in Central Java, is renowned for its diverse culinary offerings. During your travels in Kebumen, there are numerous dishes that you simply must try. Are you curious about what foods are essential to taste when visiting this city? Here are some recommendations.

1. Ambal satay

Ambal satay / @tri.mulyani.167
Ambal satay / @tri.mulyani.167

The initial must-try culinary from Kebumen is Ambal Satay. One interesting fact about Sate Ambal is its seasoning, which is made from boiled and mashed tempeh mixed with other ingredients.

2. Penggel Rice

Penggel Rice / @nurry_yahya
Penggel Rice / @nurry_yahya

Next on the list of Kebumen specialties is Penggel Rice, which consists of small rice balls about the size of a ping-pong ball. It is typically served with lodeh vegetables and a variety of side dishes. To preserve its taste, Penggel Rice is often wrapped in banana leaves.

3. Jipang Kacang

Jipang Kacang / @tonysvaraliu
Jipang Kacang / @tonysvaraliu

The following Kebumen authentic dishes is Jipang Kacang, a snack with a sweet and savory flavor. Its preparation is quite simple, with clean ground peanuts mixed with brown or palm sugar. The mixture is then molded into the desired shape and left to cool.

4. Soto Tamanwinangun

Soto Tamanwinangun / @viani_kitchen57
Soto Tamanwinangun / @viani_kitchen57

The following authentic Kebumen dish is Soto Tamanwinangun, which features wild duck meat as its primary ingredient. This soup is considered a type of curry sauce, hence its relatively strong savory flavor. Despite its initial resemblance to opor, the taste of this soto is distinct from that of opor.

5. Fried Yutuk

Fried Yutuk / @cemilan.seafood
Fried Yutuk / @cemilan.seafood

In Kebumen, Yutuk is a local delicacy that comes from a sea creature with a shell similar to an antlion. This dish is usually prepared by frying the Yutuk with salt and a small amount of flour, which gives it a crispy and delicious texture.

6. Sagon

Sagon Kelapa / @galeri.cooking.baking
Sagon Kelapa / @galeri.cooking.baking

If you live in Central Java or its surrounding areas, you must be familiar with Sagon Kelapa. It is a food made from tightly packed grated coconut, and then baked or toasted to create a hard texture. Sagon is commonly enjoyed with hot tea and other snacks, and is best eaten in the morning.

7. Jenang Sabun

Jenang Sabun
Jenang Sabun

Jenang Sabun, also known as Jenang Licin, is a delicious Kebumen specialty known for its sweet and authentic flavor. You can easily find it in various souvenir shops and minimarkets throughout the city. These are just a few of the seven mouth-watering Kebumen dishes that you must try when you visit. Which one are you most eager to taste?

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12:00 AM · Jan 18, 2023