Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang: Menu, Prices, and Location

Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang invites visitors to dine and play with dogs with a minimum purchase of 35,000 IDR (Weekday) and 50,000 IDR (Weekend).
22 Apr 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Noawadays, there are quite a few categories and varieties of cafes, one of which is Pawvilion Dog Cafe in Malang. In this cafe, every visitor will be invited to hang out while playing with the dogs there.

Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang
Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang

Certainly, this cafe has become a favorite spot for dog lovers. Find the location, menu, and prices of Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang here.

Location and Opening Hours of Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang

Indoor Area at Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang
Indoor Area at Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang
Outdoor Area at Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang
Outdoor Area at Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang

Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang is located at Jalan Kesemek No. 4, Pisang Candi, Sukun, Malang. The cafe opens from 11:00 to 21:00 WIB every Wednesday to Monday.

The fun part of this cafe is that you can meet many cute dog breeds, play, take photos, and even take them for a walk with the cafe's dog handlers. If you have a pet dog at home, feel free to bring them to this cafe, but make sure they are healthy and leashed.

This cafe actually has a second outlet in Surabaya. However, it is currently undergoing renovation and relocation. For more information, you can contact the number 088906040604.

Menu and Prices at Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang

Human Foods at Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang
Human Foods at Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang
Dog Foods at Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang
Dog Foods at Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang

Unlike typical cafes, Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang sets a minimum purchase of 35,000 IDR per person for Weekdays and 50,000 IDR per person for Weekends. The menu prices here range from around 7,000 to 75,000 IDR for human food and 5,000 to 15,000 IDR for dog food.

  1. Pawvilion Fried Rice (35,000 IDR)
  1. Dory Mentai (35,000 IDR)
  1. Chicken Steak (60,000 IDR)
  1. Crispy Salmon Alio Olio (40,000 IDR)
  1. Spaghetti Bolognaise (40,000 IDR)
  1. Red Soup (20,000 IDR)
  1. Creamy Mushroom Soup (30,000 IDR)
  1. Sandwich Egg (30,000 IDR)
  1. Matcha Latte (27,000 IDR)
  1. Caramel Macchiato (35,000 IDR)

So, what are you waiting for? Come to Pawvilion Dog Cafe Malang and play with these adorable dogs!

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