Jesus Statue of Sibea-bea Hill: Religious Icon Tourism in Lake Toba

The Jesus Statue on Sibea-bea Hill, Lake Toba, is open 24 hours with an entrance ticket of 5.000 IDR, offering stunning natural and spiritual views.
31 Aug 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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The Jesus Statue of Sibea-bea Hill, located around Lake Toba, North Sumatra, is one of the tallest Jesus statues in the world. This statue not only attracts Christians but also interfaith tourists who want to enjoy the natural beauty and spectacular architecture. Located on a hilltop, this statue offers a spiritual experience and stunning natural views.

Jesus Statue of Sibea-bea Hill: Religious Icon Tourism in Lake Toba
Jesus Statue of Sibea-bea Hill: Religious Icon Tourism in Lake Toba

Location and Access to Sibea-bea Hill

Sibea-bea Hill is located in Harian District, Samosir Regency, North Sumatra. From Medan City, visitors can reach Sibea-bea Hill by driving for about 5-6 hours. Another alternative is to use public transportation to Samosir, and then continue by motorcycle taxi or rental vehicle to the hill.

Opening Hours and Ticket Prices

Sibea-bea Hill is open to the public 24 hours a day. The entrance ticket price is very affordable, only 5.000 IDR per person. This fee is used for the maintenance of the area and facilities available.

Main Attractions at Sibea-bea Hill

Main Attractions at Sibea-bea Hill
Main Attractions at Sibea-bea Hill

1. The Tallest Jesus Statue

The Jesus Statue at Sibea-bea Hill is 61 meters high, making it one of the tallest Jesus statues in the world. This statue stands majestically against the backdrop of Lake Toba, making it an important religious tourism icon in Indonesia.

2. Lake Toba View

Sibea-bea Hill offers an extraordinary panoramic view of Lake Toba. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the largest lake in Southeast Asia from a height, providing a calming and inspiring tourist experience.

3. Supporting Facilities

Around the Sibea-bea Hill area, there are various facilities such as parking lots, public toilets, and rest areas. There are also stalls selling snacks and drinks for visitors.

Tips for Visiting Sibea-bea Hill

  • Wear comfortable footwear for walking on uphill terrain.
  • The best time to visit is in the morning or evening to enjoy the sunrise or sunset.
  • Bring a camera to capture the moment at the Jesus statue and the beautiful view of Lake Toba.

Sibea-bea Hill with its Jesus statue is a tourist destination that offers natural beauty and a spiritual experience. With affordable ticket prices and good facilities, this place is suitable for tourists looking for peace and inspiration.

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