Looking for a place to chill with your friends? You must visit Heha Sky View Yogyakarta!
Heha Sky View Yogyakarta is located in Gunungkidul Regency, only about 40 minutes from Yogyakarta. The word "Heha" is actually an abbreviation of the names of the owners and business partners: Herry Zudianto and Handoyo Mawardi.
The main attraction at Heha is the modern restaurant which has 3 floors. Each floor has different facilities and different panoramas, so you can choose the type of view you want to enjoy while chatting with friends and family.
The 1st floor is a comfortable room for families who want to cool off, because it uses air conditioning and is closed.
The second floor is also air-conditioned, but has half-open windows so you can enjoy the breeze.
The third floor is a favorite of young people because it is half open, so you can enjoy the romantic atmosphere of Gunungkidul while chatting with your girlfriend until the morning!