Camping at Gubug Marawati: Facilities, Location, and Route

If you plan a short escape, try camping at Gubug Marawati located in Pacet, Mojokerto, with rates starting from 150,000 IDR/night.
29 Apr 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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When looking for a healing spot amidst nature, it's time to visit Gubug Marawati, a camping site situated in Pacet, Mojokerto. The location is not hard to find, approximately 1 hour away from Surabaya.

Gubug Marawati in Pacet, Mojokerto
Gubug Marawati in Pacet, Mojokerto

What are the ambiance and facilities like at Gubug Marawati? Find the location, opening hours, route, facilities, and prices of Gubug Marawati in the following article.

Location, Opening Hours, and Route to Gubug Marawati

Gubug Marawati is located in Sumberam, Sajen, Pacet, Mojokerto. It's open from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM every Wednesday to Sunday.

This camping site in Pacet is situated by the Marawati river, offering a refreshing natural atmosphere. In the morning, the air is cool, accompanied by the soothing sound of flowing water.

To reach Gubug Marawati, you can follow the directions from the Google Maps app until you reach Sajen, Pacet. However, you'll need to walk through rocky terrain to reach the camping area by the riverside.

Facilities and Prices at Gubug Marawati

Gubug Marawati in Pacet, Mojokerto
Gubug Marawati in Pacet, Mojokerto

Despite being in the midst of an open nature, the provided facilities at Gubug Marawati are quite complete. For guests who planning to stay overnight, tent rentals are available, accommodating 1-4 people.

The rental price for a tent at Gubug Marawati is 150,000 IDR on weekdays and 200,000 IDR on weekends. Besides the wooden deck tents, visitors will also get 4 sleeping bags, 4 pillows, and complete cooking utensils.

Swimming at Gubug Marawati Pacet, Mojokerto
Swimming at Gubug Marawati Pacet, Mojokerto

The cooking utensils include grilling equipment, perfect for those who enjoy barbecuing in the great outdoors.

Other facilities you can enjoy including toilets and WiFi, so you don't have to worry about losing signal while on vacation. If you get bored inside the tent, you can also enjoy unlimited water tubing (swimming with rubber tubes), free of charge with no additional fees.

How to Book Gubug Marawati

If you're heading to Gubug Marawati, there's no obligation to stay overnight as you can swim or simply dine here. However, for those who wish to stay in tents, bookings can be made by contacting the number 082230363749.

What are you waiting for? Schedule your vacation and healing at Gubug Marawati, Pacet, Mojokerto!

Accommodations in Mojokerto, East Java

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