Goodbye Aircraft N250 Gatotkaca

The N250 Gatotkaca plane is a masterpiece of President BJ Habibie
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The aircraft N250 Gatotkaca is a masterpiece of the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ing H Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, who succeeded in proving that Indonesia is capable of producing airplanes.

This aircraft first flew as well as a gift for the 50th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia in 1995. Unfortunately, due to the 1998 monetary crisis, the aircraft program had to be discontinued.

Aircraft N250 Gatotkaca / 
Aircraft N250 Gatotkaca / Twitter TNI AU

This plane is a monument, a sign that the Indonesian people are capable of making airplanes with advanced fly by wire technology. Now this plane has to rest at the Central Air Force Museum Dirgantara Mandala, Yogyakarta.

The plane had to be broken into several parts to be lifted from PT Dirgantara Indonesia to Yogyakarta. The fuselage of the N250 Gatotkaca was transported using a trailer truck and traveled 567 kilometers overland.

After a long journey, the N250 Gatotkaca finally arrived at its resting place.

On the way, the plane almost got stuck at the Banyumanik Toll Gate, Semarang because the load height was not enough to pass through the substation. Finally the truck had to back off and move to a higher rightmost substation.

The N250 Gatotkaca plane at the Adisutjipto Air Force Base. / 
The N250 Gatotkaca plane at the Adisutjipto Air Force Base. / Twitter TNI AU

"Good morning airmen, thanks to your prayers, and God's blessing, N250 Gatotkaca, finally arrived at the final destination of Muspusdirla Yogyakarta, Friday morning, (21/8/2020). Welcome Gatotkaca, I hope your presence can inspire aerospace lovers," According to the tweet on the Indonesian Air Force's official Twitter account.

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