Many people say, the newer, the better. Unfortunately, this does not apply to airlines. Today's airlines are no longer ready for the cool stuff. Take a look at the photos of people hanging out in comfortable and luxury chairs while ordering Martinis above, and you'll wonder, what kind of plane is this?
The 1970s, without a doubt, were the golden age of air travel. It was an era when the upper deck of the Boeing 747 was turned into a cocktail lounge and full-scale restaurant for first class passengers. On the lower deck, there is also an economy lounge. Continental Airlines has a pub while American Airlines is famous for its piano bar.
Qantas Airline's 747B boasts a “Captain Cook First Class Lounge” (pictured above). This is the golden pinnacle of airlines.
The photo above is a Continental Airlines lounge in the 1970s, when you could tell the airline really cared about customer service! Even for economy class, there is also a lounge, although it looks a bit smaller.
And here's the American Airlines economy class piano bar, located at the rear of the 747-100 cabin. The piano of course is technically an electric Wurlitzer organ, but hey, this is live music on a plane. Think of all the singing we missed.
In today's era, customers sit tight like anchovies, in the old days, you could stop by the pub with your friends on an airplane …
Comfort and luxury in the aircraft cabin was the theme of advertising for airlines in the 1970s.