8 Ways to Stay Healthy on Vacation, From Choosing a Hotel with Gym

Maintaining health during vacation can start with simple steps, one of which is choosing a hotel that has fitness facilities.
4 Mar 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Vacation is an anticipated time for relaxation, and exploring new places. During vacation, you can enjoy precious moments with family or friends.

Source: Zach Betten via Unsplash
Source: Zach Betten via Unsplash

However, often we tend to neglect our health during vacation because we are too engrossed in the pleasures it offers. To ensure that your vacation remains enjoyable and healthy, here are 8 tips you can apply.

1. Plan Carefully

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Before departing, create a meticulous travel plan including the destinations to visit, activities to do, and food to consume. Having a structured plan will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle during vacation.

2. Choose Accommodation with Fitness Facilities

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Opt for accommodations that support your healthy lifestyle, such as hotels that provide gym or swimming pool facilities. Having easy access to sports facilities will help you stay active during your vacation.

As an alternative, choosing a hotel with fitness facilities can be done through Wisata App. With more than 800,000 affordable hotel options, you're guaranteed to find accommodation that suits your preferences.

3. Pay Attention to Eating Patterns

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Although you want to enjoy local cuisine while vacationing in a new place, prioritize a healthy eating pattern. Choose balanced meals, including fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins, and complex carbohydrates. Avoid consuming fatty and high-calorie foods excessively.

4. Stay Active

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Don't let vacation be an excuse to be lazy. Stay active by walking, swimming, or engaging in other light exercises. If possible, engage in physical activities every day to stay fit and healthy.

5. Drink Sufficient Water

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Ensure you stay well-hydrated by drinking enough plain water every day. Especially if you're vacationing in hot climates or engaging in physical activities, it's important to ensure your body stays well-hydrated.

6. Get Adequate Rest

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Vacation is also a time for rest. Don't neglect the need for sufficient rest so that your body can recover properly. Make sure you get enough sleep every night to maintain physical and mental health.

7. Avoid Overindulgence

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Although you're on vacation, avoid overindulgence or consuming food and drinks excessively. Enjoy your favorite foods and drinks, but still, watch your portions so as not to exceed your stomach capacity. Avoid excessive consumption that will ultimately harm your health.

8. Protect Yourself from Extreme Weather

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If you're traveling to areas with extreme weather, make sure to protect yourself properly. Use sunscreen, hats, and appropriate clothing to protect your skin from excessive sun exposure or cold weather.

By implementing these tips, you can enjoy your vacation better while still maintaining your health. A healthy vacation will make you feel more energetic and ready to return to your daily routine afterward. Enjoy a healthy and enjoyable vacation!

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