Interested in trying Rawon Gajah Mada in Sidoarjo? Here are the menu prices and the latest opening hours!
East Java is known for its rawon cuisine from meat doused in black sauce. The black color of Rawon sauce comes from the fruit of kepayang or often called kluwak (Pangium edule). Various regions in East Java also have different rawon characteristics, one of which is in Sidoarjo. The most famous Rawon in Sidoarjo is Rawon Gajah Mada which is on Gajah Mada street.
Rawon Gajah Mada is a restaurant often visited by tourists from various regions. Rawon here is famous for its consistent taste from the beginning until now.
Interested in trying Rawon Gajah Mada in Sidoarjo? Here are the menu prices and the latest opening hours!
Menu Prices and Opening Hours
The following is the price of the menu at Rawon Gajah Mada:
Empal Rawon Rice: IDR 25,000
Rawon Lung Rice: IDR 25,000
Rawon Tongue Rice: IDR 25,000
Rice Rawon Jerky: IDR 25,000
Mledos Oseng Rawon Rice: IDR 27,000
Rice Rawon Perkedel: IDR 16.000
Salted Egg Rawon Rice: IDR 15,000
Rawon Rice Without Side: IDR 10,000
Empal Mixed Rice: IDR 25,000
Pulmonary Mixed Rice: IDR 25,000
Mixed Tongue Rice: IDR 25,000
Rice Mixed Dendeng: IDR 25,000
Brain Mixed Rice: IDR 25,000
Mledos Oseng Mixed Rice: IDR 27,000
Mixed Rice Cake: IDR 16.000
Salted Egg Mixed Rice: IDR 15,000
Mixed Rice Without Side: IDR 10,000
Mledos Meat Oseng Rice: IDR 24,000
Pecel Rice: IDR 8,000
Pecel Rawon Rice: IDR 12,000
Rawon Gajah Mada is open every day from 10.00-03.00. For those who like culinary tours at night, Rawon Gajah Mada is the right choice to try!