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Ayurizka Purwadhania · Aug 16, 2022
Mitra Mie Ayam Sumatra 72: Menu Prices and Opening Hours

Interested to try Mie Ayam Sumatra 72? Check out the complete information below!

Sumatra Chicken Noodle / @punyamenu
Sumatra Chicken Noodle / @punyamenu

It is common knowledge that Yogyakarta is known for its various delicious and varied culinary tourism destinations. One that must be tried is Mie Ayam Sumatra 72, located in the Condongcatur area. What is the difference between other regular chicken noodles and Sumatran chicken noodles? The presentation of this chicken noodle uses a sweet and sour sauce and flat and chewy noodles.

Interested in trying Mie Ayam Sumatra 72? Check out the complete information below!


Menu Prices and Opening Hours

The following are the menu prices at the latest Mie Ayam Sumatra 72:

Noodle Tra Ordinary

  • Tra Noodle Plain: IDR 10,000

  • Tra Noodle with Dumplings: IDR 12,000

  • Tra Noodle with Meatball: IDR 14,000

  • Tra Noodle Complete: IDR 16.000

Noodle Tra Jumbo

  • Tra Noodle Jumbo Plain: IDR 14,000

  • Tra Noodle Jumbo Dumplings: IDR 16,000
    -Tra Noodle Jumbo Meatballs: IDR 18.000

  • Tra Noodle Jumbo Jumbo Complete: IDR 20,000

    • Sweet Tra Asem Noodles **
  • Tra Noodle Sour Sweet Plain/Jumbo: IDR 11,000-IDR 15,000

  • Tra Noodle Sour Sweet Dumplings/Jumbo: IDR 13,000-IDR 17,000

  • Tra Noodle Sour Manis Baksi/Jumbo: IDR 15,000-IDR 19,000

  • Complete/Jumbo Sweet Tra Asem Noodles: IDR 17,000-IDR 21,000

Additional Menu

  • Soup Dumplings: IDR 10,000

  • Meatball Sauce: IDR 12,000

  • Dumplings & Meatballs Soup: IDR 13,000

  • Fried Dumplings: IDR 12,000

Mie Ayam Sumatra 72 is open daily from 10.00-17.00. So what are you waiting for? It's time for you to try this culinary one, and don't run out!

Hotels in Yogyakarta

indonesian food  noodle