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Ayurizka Purwadhania · Jun 6, 2022
Strolling Around at Kranggan Traditional Market in Yogyakarta

Pasar Kranggan in Yogyakarta is a traditional market that was founded in the early 19th century during Dutch colonial rule.

Besides Beringharjo Market, Kranggan Market is also one of the suitable destinations for shopping for various needs ranging from food ingredients, culinary necessities, and other household items. Kranggan Market itself is one of the biggest markets in Yogyakarta.

Curious about the ins and outs of the Kranggan Market? Check out the full review below!

History of Kranggan Market

Kranggan Traditional Market /  @ilhamsyawal
Kranggan Traditional Market / @ilhamsyawal

Pasar Kranggan Yogyakarta is a traditional market that was founded in the early 19th century during Dutch colonial rule. Kranggan Market is one of the economic centers in Yogyakarta, which Chinese citizens drive.

This market then underwent several renovations until it is what it is today. Kranggan Yogyakarta Market has a building area of 7400 m2 with a land area of 6180 m2. Currently, there are more than 860 traders in Kranggan Market. The products usually sold at Pasar Kranggan Yogyakarta are vegetables, roses, meat, various fish, necessities, cake, and plastic equipment, and some also sell other traditional goods.

Location and Route to Kranggan Market

Kranggan Traditional Market /  @ilhamsyawal
Kranggan Traditional Market / @ilhamsyawal

Kranggan Market is located to the north of the Tugu Jogja (Yogyakarta Monument). Its strategic location from the highway makes this market always crowded with buyers. Especially on big days, Pasar Kranggan Yogyakarta will experience a drastic buyer surge.

Opening hours

Kranggan Traditional Market /  @ilhamsyawal
Kranggan Traditional Market / @ilhamsyawal

The opening hours of the Kranggan Market Yogyakarta are from 05.00 WIB - 18.00 WIB. For those who want to get quality products that are still fresh and fresh, you can come early to avoid the crowds of market visitors.

This is a review of Kranggan Traditional Market that you can visit while traveling in Yogyakarta.

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Reference: Gudegnet

traditional market