Here is a list of holidays in 2025, including dates that coincide with joint leave.
As we approach 2025, it's a good idea to plan for major holidays in Indonesia that year. This way, you can request time off or plan your trips home more efficiently. Here is a list of holidays in 2025, including dates that coincide with joint leave.
Wednesday, January 1st: New Year 2025 AD
Monday, January 27: Isra Miraj Prophet Muhammad SAW
Wednesday, January 29: Chinese New Year 2576 Kongzili
Saturday, March 29: Holy Day of Silence Saka New Year 1947
Monday-Tuesday, 31 March–1 April: Eid al-Fitr 1446 Hijriyah
Friday, April 18: Isa Al Masih passed away
Thursday, May 1: International Labor Day
Monday, May 12: Vesak Day 2569 BE
Thursday, May 29: Ascension of Isa Al Masih
Sunday, June 1: Pancasila Birthday
Friday, June 6: Eid al-Adha 1446 Hijriyah
Thursday, June 26: Islamic New Year 1447 Hijriyah
Sunday, August 17: The 80th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence
Friday, September 5: Maulid Muhammad SAW
Thursday, December 25: Christmas Day
Note: This calendar will be updated when information becomes available on official public holiday calendars in 2025