Wisata App
for Travel Agent
Take your business to the next level with a travel agent account
Unbeatable deals
Save up to an astounding 50% off discount on a wide range of hotel, apartment, and villa. Earn 6% cashback for every completed booking you've made.
Huge selection of hotels
Get access to and discover exceptional offers from 700,000+ hotels worldwide, including apartment and villa.
Incredible savings
With Travel Agent account, you're eligible for 6% cashback for every completed booking you've made.
Reward program
Earn higher amount of Wisata Point for every completed booking. Cash out or redeem on your next booking.
Serve your customers better
Wisata App provide multiple payment methods, guaranteed bookings, and 24/7 customer support.
Guaranteed booking
With Wisata App, your stay is guaranteed. In case of an overbook, your stay will be relocated or you will get a full refund.
Pay with no hassle
Pay with Virtual Account, Bank Transfer, Credit Card, PayLater, and QRIS. You can also create payment links for your customers.
Always-on support
Support is available 24/7 to help you with your booking and other inquiries.
Focus on your business
Manage your team, sub-divisions, expenses, and transactions history in one place. Focus on growing your business, let us handle the rest.
Team management
Invite and assign roles to your team members to manage your business. Be worry-free as every part of your business is securely managed.
Data management
Keep all your bookings, expenses, and transactions history in one place.
Manage your business. Anywhere. Anytime.
Wisata App is accessible on all platforms: Android, iOS, and web in both mobile and desktop.
Get your travel agent account