White Crater Dolok Tinggi Raja: Entrance Ticket & Location

Want to know more about White Crater Dolok Tinggi Raja? Here is the complete information for you!
13 Sep 2022 ·By Ayurizka Purwadhania
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White Crater Dolok Tinggi Raja / @goklasbobo
White Crater Dolok Tinggi Raja / @goklasbobo

White Crater Dolok Tinggi Raja is a natural tourist area located in Simalungun. The white crater is one of the famous tours in Medan. At first glance, this crater looks like covered in white snow. This white area is limestone that was formed hundreds of years ago.

Want to know more about White Crater Dolok Tinggi Raja? Here is the complete information for you!


White Crater Dolok Tinggi Raja Dolok Marawa, Silau Kahean, Simalungun


White Crater Dolok Tinggi Raja / @xabibmc
White Crater Dolok Tinggi Raja / @xabibmc

Dolok Tinggi Raja is a nature reserve area with a white crater formed from geothermal heat containing sulfur. The temperature in this crater reaches 90 degrees Celsius, and it is a favourite natural tourist spot for North Sumatra.

Not only is there a white crater, but here you can also find several other spots, such as rivers and protected forest areas. In 1916 and 1918, the Dolok Tinggi Raja Nature Reserve was initially designated as a protected forest area. The status determination resulted from an agreement between the kings in Simalungun.

Entrance Ticket and Opening Hours

The following is the entrance ticket price to Dolok Tinggi Raja:

  • Admission: Free
  • Motorcycle Parking: IDR 5,000
  • Car Parking: IDR 10,000

The Dolok Tinggi Raja tourist attraction is open daily from 07.00-17.00. That’s all review of Dolok Tinggi Raja white crater. Hopefully, it can be an inspiration for your next destination in Medan!

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