Warung Joko Sambang: Instagramable Cafe in Batu, East Java
Ayurizka Purwadhania
Dec 30

Batu is a tourist city that boasts a variety of attractions and breathtaking natural beauty to explore. If you are seeking a new spot in Batu, consider visiting Warung Joko Sambang.

Warung Joko Sambang is a restaurant that embraces traditional Javanese design with a beautiful natural ambiance. This restaurant employs a semi-outdoor concept, allowing you to fully appreciate the surroundings. The menu at Warung Joko Sambang features authentic East Javanese cuisine that is both delicious and affordable.

Are you intrigued by the atmosphere at Warung Joko Sambang? Here is the latest information for you!


Warung Joko Sambang / @warung_jokosambang
Warung Joko Sambang / @warung_jokosambang


Here are some of the facilities available at Warung Joko Sambang:

  • Large Parking Area

  • Wi-Fi

  • Mosque

  • Toilet

  • Outdoors & Smoking Areas

  • Spot Photos


Warung Joko Sambang / @dilairvin
Warung Joko Sambang / @dilairvin
Warung Joko Sambang / @dilairvin
Warung Joko Sambang / @dilairvin
Warung Joko Sambang / @dilairvin
Warung Joko Sambang / @dilairvin
Warung Joko Sambang / @dilairvin
Warung Joko Sambang / @dilairvin

Menu list

What's on the menu at Warung Joko Sambang? Here is the latest menu and price list:


  • Soto Podo Roso: 22K

  • Dakocan Pitik Noodles: 12K

  • WJS Gepuk Chicken: 15K

  • Nasi Bakar (Chicken/Tempe/Shrimp/Anchovies): 8K

  • Rawon Ribs: 40K

  • Garang Penyet Ribs: 34K

  • Rawon Meat: 22K

  • Beef Rendang: 30K

  • Grilled Chicken: 15K

  • Fried Chicken: 15K

  • White Rice: 5K


  • Tofu Contents: 12K

  • Godoh Gedhang Cheese: 15K

  • Mendoan Tempeh: 10K

  • Mix Platters: 20K

  • French Fries: 10K

  • Grilled Sausage: 6K

  • Grilled Meatballs: 6K

  • Java Platters: 10K

  • Aci Garang: 10K

  • Lumpia Londo: 20K

  • Local Spring Rolls: 18K

  • Legit Lumpia: 8K

  • Angkringan Satay: 3K


  • Brewed Coffee: 5K

  • Uwuh: 10K

  • Java Brush: 10K

  • Ginger Kencur: 7K

  • WJS Ice Coffee Milk: 10K

  • Tropical Iced Coffee Milk: 10K

  • Savory Milk Iced Coffee: 14K

  • Legit Ice Coffee Milk: 12K

  • Matcha Iced Coffee Milk: 12K

  • Linggarjati: 15K

  • Captain's Coffee: 15K

  • Sinom Ice: 8K

  • Drag Ice: 8K

  • Chocolate Ice: 8K

  • Milk Coffee: 7K

  • Ginger: 7K

  • Coffee Joss: 6K

  • Ginger Milk: 8K

  • Lemon Tea: 8K

  • Sane Fresh Ice: 5K

  • Ice Coffee Milk Freeze: 6K

Opening hours

Warung Joko Sambang is open every day with the following operating hours:

  • Sunday-Thursday: 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

  • Friday: 1:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

  • Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

That's a comprehensive review of Warung Joko Sambang. I hope this information is useful!

Hotels in Batu

12:00 AM · Dec 30, 2022