Try The Wedang Ronde Miroso in Magelang

Curious about the menu at Warung Ronde Miroso? Check out the following information!
11 Aug 2022 ·By Ayurizka Purwadhania
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Wedang Ronde / @streetfoodstories
Wedang Ronde / @streetfoodstories

Ronde is a traditional drink from Indonesia that is made from glutinous rice and water, shaped into a ronde and then boiled until cooked and floats. Then served in warm ginger sauce and sugar. Usually, the ronde contains chopped peanuts. In addition, it can contain black beans or sesame. However, there is also a version of the ronde without filling. One place that sells delicious wedang ronde is in Magelang, Central Java, namely Warung Ronde Miroso.

Warung Ronde Miroso is a legendary place that has been around since 1958 and has become a favorite spot for Magelang residents to enjoy fresh and warm wedang ronde. This place is also very famous and never deserted by visitors every day.

Warung Ronde Miroso uses the original building of the founder's house and only has a few tables for dine-in.

Curious about the menu at Warung Ronde Miroso? Check out the following information!


Menu Prices and Opening Hours

Menu at Wedang Ronde Miroso
Menu at Wedang Ronde Miroso

The following is a list of the menus at the latest Wedang Ronde Miroso in Magelang:


  • Mikung Chicken: IDR 20,000
  • Meatballs Noodles: IDR 20,000
  • Meatball Sauce: IDR 20,000


  • Banana Satay: IDR 7,000
  • Tofu Bacem: IDR 7,000
  • Spring rolls: IDR 4,000


  • Hot Ronde: IDR 13,000
  • Ice Ronde: IDR 13,000
  • Ice Milo: IDR 12,000
  • Iced Tea: IDR 4,000
  • Fresh Ginger Water: IDR 5,000
  • Sweet Ginger Water: IDR 7,000
  • Mineral Water: IDR 4,000

Additional Menus:

  • Puyur: IDR 13,000
  • Baked Sponge: IDR 18.000
  • Crackers: IDR 18.000

Wedang Ronde Miroso is open daily from 15.30-22.00 and closes every Tuesday. This is a complete review of Wedang Ronde Miroso. Are you interested in trying it?

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