East Java is known for its stunning and unspoiled natural charm. You can find various lakes, mountains, forests, and beaches tours. If you like highlands and have a hobby of climbing, try climbing Mount Wilis, which is the best place to see the sunrise in East Java.
Want to know more about Mount Wilis? Let's see the following information!
The following are some of the facilities that you can find at Mount Wilis:
Parking area
Hiking trails
Information Center
Food stalls
Mount Wilis is located at an altitude of 2,563 meters above sea level and is a barrier for several areas ranging from Tulungagung, Nganjuk, Madiun, Ponorogo, and Trenggalek. This mountain erupted in 1641, in unison with Mount Kelud. The peak on Mount Wilis is the peak of Trogati and has several forest areas, such as the Bukit Dipterocarp forest area, Upper Dipterocarp forest, Montane forest, and Ericaceous forest.
For those who want to climb Mount Wilis, you can use several hiking trails from several available points. The following are hiking routes that you can choose from:
North (Nganjuk)
The climb can be started from the Bajulan Roro Kuning and Jontani in Nganjuk Regency.
South (Tulungagung)
Mount Wilis can be climbed from Sendang District, Tulungagung Regency from the south.
East (Kediri)
From the east, you can start through Kediri Regency, precisely in Mojo District. The road to the top of Mount Wilis has been built adequately through Mojo.
The Mystery of Mount Wilis
Mount Wilis is known as one of the most mysterious mountains in Indonesia. Many reported that on this mountain, climbers experienced various mystical events. One of the most famous mysteries is about the "Invisible Cave."
It is said that this magical cave that has a mystical feel is located between two waterfalls. But in the cave, there is someone who is meditating. The person has the stature of a man resembling a monkey with a black face. Like the wilis snake, the magical cave and the person can only be seen with certain people.
That is information about Mount Wilis. Hopefully, it can be advantageous for you!