Teras Mangli Coffee — Magelang offers a variety of cafes that provide a perfect atmosphere to unwind with coffee and food while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery at an affordable price.
A visit to Magelang would not be complete without stopping by Teras Mangli Coffee in Mangli. This cafe offers a stunning view of 7 Central Java mountains, including Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Andong, Ungaran, Telomoyo, Giyanti, Tidar, and Menoreh. If you plan to visit Teras Mangli Coffee, take a look at the latest information below.
The following are some of the facilities available at Teras Mangli Coffee:
Parking area
Outdoor Areas
Electric socket
Spot Photos
Menu list
Looking to explore the menu options at Teras Mangli Coffee? Check out the latest menu and price list below!
V60: 20,5K
Kopi Susu: 12K-15K
Vietnam Drip: 18,5K
Non Coffee
Matcha Latte: 15K-21K
Taro Latte: 15K-21K
Red Velvet Latte: 15K-21K
Hazelnut Latte: 16K-22K
Cokelat Latte: 15K-18K
Lemon Tea: 12K
Krincing Tea: 5K
Pisang Goreng: 10K-15K
Pisang Bakar: 10K-15K
Singkong Bakar/Goreng: 15K
Kentang Goreng: 12,5K-18,5K
Mix Platter: 22,5K
Mendoan: 10K
Roti Bakar: 15K
Main course
Geprek Chicken: 18K
Fried Chicken: 20K
Grilled Chicken: 17.5K
Fried Noodles: 16K
Boiled Noodles: 15K
Opening Hour
Teras Mangli Coffee operates every day from 09:00 to 20:00. If you want to catch the sunrise between 05:00 to 07:00, you can make a reservation via their Instagram account @terasmangli. This concludes the review of one of Magelang's popular cafes. Are you tempted to visit?