Good news for coffee lovers, now Slushy Tuku is available at Toko Kopi Tuku Malang! This unique menu is only available in a few outlets, one of which is Kopi Tuku Malang on Jalan Jombang.
Curious about the location and price? Check out the complete location, opening hours, and menu prices for Kopi Tuku Malang.
Location, Opening Hours, and Menu Prices of Slushy Kopi Tuku Malang
Location and Opening Hours of Kopi Tuku Malang
Toko Kopi Tuku Malang is located at Jalan Jombang No. 27, Gading Kasri, Klojen, Malang. Open from 08.00-22.00 WIB.
This Kopi Tuku outlet is quite different from outlets in other cities. The dining area is spacious and equipped with many long tables and chairs. This makes it easier for visitors to hang out, instead of just takeaway.
On one side of the shop, there is a special shelf containing merchandise and collaboration products from Toko Kopi Tuku. The products can be purchased by visitors.
Toko Kopi Tuku Malang Menu Prices
Starting today, Toko Kopi Tuku Malang officially has a Tuku Slushy menu for 20.000 IDR. The difference with regular coffee variants lies in its slushy texture, namely crushed ice that looks like shaved ice.
Uniquely, Toko Kopi Tuku Malang also provides other menus of heavy food and drinks which are only available in certain outlets. Below are menu recommendations and prices.
Es Teh Asem Jawa (18.000 IDR)
Es Teh Remon (18.000 IDR)
Kopi Susu Tetangga (22.000 IDR)
Es Kelapa Susu Tetangga (24.000 IDR)
Nasi Ramah (28.000 IDR)
Laksa Bu RT (36.000 IDR)
Peppermint Mocha (38.000 IDR)
Nasi Ayam Goreng Seru (38.000 IDR)
Nasi Goreng Tubruk (38.000 IDR)
Nasi Ayam Bakar Aren (38.000 IDR)
So, what do you think? Are you interested in trying Slushy Tuku at Kopi Tuku Malang?