5 Restaurants for Romantic Dinner in Jogja

Here are 5 restaurant recommendations for a romantic dinner in Jogja with your partner!
8 Jul 2022 ยทByย Ayurizka Purwadhania
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Welcoming a special day with your partner, it's incomplete if it's not accompanied by quality time activities together. One of them is by holding a romantic dinner with your partner at the best restaurant in Jogja. The following are 5 restaurant recommendations for a romantic dinner in Jogja with your partner:


Sasanti Restaurant is the first recommendation for a restaurant for a romantic dinner in Jogja by offering an intimate and elegant traditional Javanese atmosphere. The uniqueness of Sasanti Restaurant is that their menu is dominated by traditional Indonesian food with direct modification by their chef. To have a romantic dinner at Sasanti, you can prepare a budget starting from Rp 500,000 for 2 people.

Mediterranea Restaurant by Kamil

Mediterranea Restaurant by Kamil /
Mediterranea Restaurant by Kamil / mediterranea_r

The next list of restaurants for romantic dinners in Jogja is Mediterranea Restaurant by Kamil which is famous for its various western menus from appetizers to desserts, as well as special menus that are always available every month. You can prepare funds starting from Rp 400,000 for a romantic dinner with your partner.

Abhayagiri Restaurant

Abhayagiri Restaurant /
Abhayagiri Restaurant / abhayagirirestaurant

The next recommendation from a restaurant for a romantic dinner in Jogja is Abhayagiri, which is in the Prambanan area. This place offers views of the rice fields and also views of Mount Merapi seen from the restaurant area. Abhayagiri is known for its very authentic Indonesian food menu. For a romantic dinner at Abhayagiri with your partner, you need to prepare costs starting from Rp 500,000 for 2 people.

Gadjah Wong Restaurant

Gadjah Wong Restaurant /
Gadjah Wong Restaurant / Gadjah Wong Restaurant

Gadjah Wong Restaurant is the next recommendation as a restaurant for a romantic dinner in Jogja with your partner. This place carries an intimate atmosphere and there is also live music entertainment every day. To have a romantic dinner at Gadjah Wong, you can prepare funds starting from Rp 400,000 for 2 people.

Six Senses Yogyakarta

Six Senses /
Six Senses / portal018

The last restaurant recommendation for a romantic dinner in Jogja with your partner is Six Senses Mantijeron branch. You can get an intimate and romantic atmosphere in this restaurant. Six Sense carries a classic and traditional design theme, so it will add an elegant impression to your romantic dinner. The cost that needs to be prepared for dinner at Six Sense starts from Rp 600,000 for 2 people.

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