Ranukamba Park: Ticket Prices, Attractions, Opening Hours

Ranukamba Park in Menjer Lake, Wonosobo presents the charm of Menjer Lake with photo spots, boats, and a cafe with a ticket price of 5.000 IDR.
2 Aug 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Menjer Lake is known for its extraordinary views, with an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level and an area of around 70 hectares. To enjoy the natural charm of Menjer Lake, you can visit Ranukamba Park.

Ranukamba Park: Location, Opening Hours, Attractions, Facilities, and Ticket Prices (Abdul Najib Google Maps)
Ranukamba Park: Location, Opening Hours, Attractions, Facilities, and Ticket Prices (Abdul Najib Google Maps)

What are the attractions of this natural tourist spot? Check out the following article for the location, opening hours, facilities, and ticket prices of Ranukamba Park.

Location, Opening Hours, Attractions, Facilities, and Ticket Prices of Ranukamba Park Menjer Lake

Ranukamba Park is the perfect destination to explore the beauty of Menjer Lake while enjoying culinary delights at Cabin Cafe In The Wood. Check out the details.

Location and Opening Hours of Ranukamba Park

Location and Opening Hours of Ranukamba Park
Location and Opening Hours of Ranukamba Park

The location of Ranukamba Park is on Jalan Maron, Garung, Wonosobo. Its opening hours are from 07.00-17.00 WIB every Monday-Friday and 07.00-18.00 WIB every Saturday-Sunday.

To get to Ranukamba Park, you can enter through the gate next to the Maron Village field. The access is quite easy, both for motorbikes and cars.

Ticket Prices at Ranukamba Park

Ticket Prices at Ranukamba Park
Ticket Prices at Ranukamba Park

The ticket price of Ranukamba Park is very budget-friendly, which is 5.000 IDR per person. With this ticket, visitors can enjoy the natural beauty of Menjer Lake and take pictures at the selfie spots.

To ride a boat at Ranukamba Park, the ticket price is only 20.000 IDR per person if you tour in a group. Meanwhile, if you want a more private Menjer Lake tour, the rate is 200.000 IDR per person.

Attractions of Ranukamba Park

Facilities of Ranukamba Park
Facilities of Ranukamba Park
Attractions of Ranukamba Park
Attractions of Ranukamba Park

Ranukamba Park offers natural tourism in Menjer Lake which is still very well-preserved. Visiting here, visitors can enjoy it while breathing in the fresh air.

While at Ranukamba Park, don't miss the opportunity to take pictures at their selfie spots. Among them are a wooden walkway park, giant rocks on the edge of the lake, and pine trees.

Ranukamba Park also offers a camping area complete with tent rentals. For 180.000 IDR, visitors will be given a 2x2 m tent with a maximum capacity of 4 people, pillows, mattresses, blankets/sleeping bags, and chargers.

Cabin Cafe In The Wood at Ranukamba Park
Cabin Cafe In The Wood at Ranukamba Park
Cabin Cafe In The Wood at Ranukamba Park
Cabin Cafe In The Wood at Ranukamba Park

Inside Ranukamba Park there is Cabin Cafe In The Wood that sells food and drinks at affordable prices. The view of Menjer Lake from this cafe is also no less beautiful.

Facilities of Ranukamba Park

The facilities at Ranukamba Park are as follows.

  1. Boat
  1. Cabin Cafe In The Wood
  1. Wooden walkway park
  1. Camping area
  1. Photo spots
  1. Parking area

That was complete information about Ranukamba Park. Come on, let's plan your vacation here!

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