Thai cuisine is known to be very fresh and almost similar to the cuisine in Indonesia. The main difference is that Thai cuisine is synonymous with sour, spicy, and sweet flavors that are more prominent than Indonesian cuisine, which is dominated by savory. One restaurant that provides a full menu of Thai dishes in Yogyakarta is Phuket Resto, located at HOS Cokroaminoto.
Phuket Resto is the pioneer of the first Thai cuisine in Yogyakarta and is known to have an authentic taste and is always fresh.
Curious about what menus are available at Phuket Resto? Check out more information below!
Menu Prices and Opening Hours
Don't know what menu to order at Phuket Resto in Yogyakarta? Here are the following is a list of the menu along with the latest prices:
Phuket Resto is open every day from 11.00-21.00, with the last order at 20.45. This restaurant is one of the places that provide the best Thai food in Yogyakarta. Are you interested in tasting all the menus here?