Omah Pancawarna Temanggung: Menu Prices, Attractions, Opening Hours
Izzah Putri Jurianto
Aug 20

During a busy routine, finding a place to relieve stress is a necessity. If you crave a calm atmosphere far from the city, Omah Pancawarna Temanggung is the best choice.

Omah Pancawarna Temanggung: Menu Prices, Attractions, Location, Opening Hours (Abram Google Maps)
Omah Pancawarna Temanggung: Menu Prices, Attractions, Location, Opening Hours (Abram Google Maps)

This place combines a coffee shop and a homestay amid the forest, providing a special experience. Check out the following article for the location, opening hours, and menu prices of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung.

Location, Opening Hours, Attractions, and Menu Prices of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung

With all its facilities and attractions, Omah Pancawarna can be an alternative to visit on the weekend. Here is the complete information.

Location and Opening Hours of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung

Location and Opening Hours of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung (Sasmita Google Maps)
Location and Opening Hours of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung (Sasmita Google Maps)
Location and Opening Hours of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung (Indie Google Maps)
Location and Opening Hours of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung (Indie Google Maps)

Omah Pancawarna is located in Caruban, Kandangan District, Temanggung Regency. This coffee shop and homestay is open every day from 09.00-21.00 WIB.

For those looking for a place to unwind from the city hustle, Omah Pancawarna is a perfect option. Being in the middle of the forest, this cafe offers natural views and a calm ambiance.

Location and Opening Hours of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung
Location and Opening Hours of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung
Location and Opening Hours of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung
Location and Opening Hours of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung

The traditional design is the main attraction of Omah Pancawarna. Their coffee shop and homestay are designed like a traditional Javanese house, with wood materials for the walls, floors, to tables and chairs.

The warm nuance is very much felt in the dining area, which is divided into semi-outdoor and outdoor spaces. To add to the fun of hanging out, Omah Pancawarna provides various entertainment such as traditional dakon games and small archery. Not only that but there is a pavilion that can be rented to hold events, from batik workshops to karaoke sessions.

Menu Prices of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung

Menu Prices of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung (Dien Google Maps)
Menu Prices of Omah Pancawarna Temanggung (Dien Google Maps)

With the best view offered, Omah Pancawarna menu is quite affordable. Starting from 7.000 IDR to 35.000 IDR, you can enjoy Indonesian cuisine such as duck, chicken, parrot fish, toast, fried foods, tea, coffee, and herbal medicine.

In addition, there is a package menu consisting of rice, side dishes, fresh vegetables, and chili sauce. Here are some menu recommendations.

  1. Roti Bakar Jadul (10.000 IDR)

  2. Blanggreng Jowo (10.000 IDR)

  3. Tempe Glepung (10.000 IDR)

  4. Robusta Natural (10.000 IDR)

  5. Roti Bakar Strawberry (13.000 IDR)

  6. Teh Tarik (12.000 IDR)

  7. Susu Jahe (15.000 IDR)

  8. Jamu Pegel Linu (15.000 IDR)

  9. Jamu Masuk Angin (15.000 IDR)

  10. Rica-Rica Ayam (18.000 IDR)

  11. Nila Goreng (18.000 IDR)

  12. Paket Ndog Krispi (20.000 IDR)

  13. Bebek Goreng Laos (25.000 IDR)

  14. Paket Nila (28.000 IDR)

  15. Paket Rica Bebek (35.000 IDR)

If you need a healing place when you are tired, make sure Omah Pancawarna is on your next destination list!

12:00 AM · Aug 20, 2024