Solo has a very legendary gudeg culinary and is a mandatory destination for all visiting tourists, namely Gudeg Ceker Margoyudan. Gudeg is a special dish from Yogyakarta and Central Java made from young jackfruit cooked with coconut milk. Gudeg Ceker Margoyudan's favorite menu is its soft claw bacem doused with savory and sweet areh (coconut milk) sauce.
Interested in trying Gudeg Ceker Margoyudan? Check out the latest information on the menu and prices below!
Menu Prices and Opening Hours
For those of you who are curious about what menus are provided at Gudeg Ceker Margoyudan, here is the menu list along with the latest prices:
Main course
Gudeg Rice: IDR 10,000
Gudeg Tofu Rice: IDR 13,000
Egg Gudeg Rice: IDR 15,000
Gudeg Egg Tofu Rice: IDR 18.000
Chicken Gudeg Rice: IDR 20,000
Chicken Tofu Gudeg Rice: IDR 23,000
Egg Chicken Gudeg Rice: IDR 25,000
Gudeg Chicken Egg Tofu Rice: IDR 28.000
Additional Menu
Tofu: IDR 3,000/pcs
Eggs: IDR 5,000/pcs
Chicken: IDR 15,000/piece
Chicken Feet: IDR 20,000/5 pcs
Crackers: IDR 1,000
Gudeg: IDR 20,000
Fried Sambal: IDR 20,000
Wedang Tea: IDR 3,000
Wedang oranges: IDR 3,000
Coffee: IDR 5,000
Iced Tea: IDR 4,000
Orange Ice: IDR 5,000
Gudeg Ceker Margoyudan is open every 02.00-07.00 and 13.00-22.00. Make sure to come early, so you don't run out of all the menus here!