Mata Air Lotong-Lotong: Ticket, Attractions, Opening Hours

Mata Air Lotong-Lotong in Ulukumba, South Sulawesi, presents a swimming pool with crystal clear water amid nature, with a free entrance ticket.
28 Aug 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Do you want to swim in a pool with clear water? If yes, then Lotong-Loyong Springs is worthy of being on your visit list this week. This place is surrounded by green views of rice fields and wide skies.

Mata Air Lotong-Lotong: Ticket, Attractions, Location, Opening Hours (Erma Google Maps)
Mata Air Lotong-Lotong: Ticket, Attractions, Location, Opening Hours (Erma Google Maps)

Located in Bulukumba, Mata Air Lotong-Lotong offers a relaxing holiday experience. Check out the following article for location, opening hours, attractions, and ticket price.

Location, Opening Hours, Attractions, and Ticket of Mata Air Lotong-Lotong

Swimming in Mata Air Lotong-Lotong feels like you are in a pool filled with mineral water. Check the details below.

Location and Opening Hours of Mata Air Lotong-Lotong

Location and Opening Hours of Mata Air Lotong-Lotong (Sandi Google Maps)
Location and Opening Hours of Mata Air Lotong-Lotong (Sandi Google Maps)

Located in Bulukumba, South Sulawesi, Mata Air Lotong-Lotong is a refreshing tourist destination with very clear water. Some visitors even say that the water here is like mineral water, giving a clean and fresh sensation that is hard to find anywhere else.

Ticket of Mata Air Lotong-Lotong

Ticket of Mata Air Lotong-Lotong (Zaujiah Google Maps)
Ticket of Mata Air Lotong-Lotong (Zaujiah Google Maps)

Interestingly, entrance tickets to Mata Air Lotong-Lotong are free. You only need to pay a fee of 2.000 IDR to park your vehicle.

Attractions of Mata Air Lotong-Lotong

Mata Air Lotong-Lotong is managed by PDAM Bulukumba, ensuring excellent water quality. Around the pool, you can see beautiful views of rice fields combined with blue skies.

The size of the pool is quite long, allowing visitors to swim as much as they like. Swimming pool rentals are also available for children and adults.

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