Coffeeshops in Malang are abundant. But have you ever visited a coffee shop that resembles those in Vietnam? Yup, Selak Kopi in Malang has a similar ambiance to Vietnam, thanks to its location adjacent to the railway tracks.
Curious about it? Let's explore the location, menu, and prices at Selak Kopi Malang here.
Location and Operating Hours of Selak Kopi Malang
Selak Kopi Malang is situated alongside the railway tracks. That's why this coffee shop is said to resemble those found in Hanoi, Vietnam. If you're lucky, you might catch a train passing by behind the cafe.
However, Selak Kopi also offers a cozy indoor area. Although not overly spacious, it's sufficient for gathering with close friends.
Selak Kopi is located at Jalan Karya Timur No. 24, Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang. It opens every day from 08:00 AM to 12:00 AM WIB, perfect for those who enjoy morning coffee or hanging out at night.
Menu and Prices at Selak Kopi Malang
In addition to offering various coffee, tea, and milk variants, Selak Kopi also sells heavy meals and snacks suitable for snacking during hangouts. Starting from 10,000 IDR, you can leave feeling satisfied.
Es Kopi Jelly (15,000 IDR)
Kopsu Aren (16,000 IDR)
Honey Regal (15,000 IDR)
Mango Tea (13,000 IDR)
Vietnam Drip (12,000 IDR)
Nasi Telur Pontianak (12,000 IDR)
Nasi Cumi (15,000 IDR)
Mie Goreng (13,000 IDR)
Roti Maryam (10,000 IDR)
Tempe Mendoan (12,000 IDR)
For Malang residents looking for a new atmosphere and affordable food prices, Selak Kopi is a must-try. Let's visit Selak Kopi Malang!