Leparadis Urban Surabaya: Menu Prices, Location, and Opening Hours

Starting from 10.000 IDR to 45.000 IDR, enjoy various delicious dishes at Leparadis Urban, with views of the surrounding trees and green plants.
15 Aug 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Surabaya — The heat of Surabaya City can sometimes ruin your mood. To overcome this, some people choose to hang out at a cafe with cool natural vibes. Well, it's perfect because Leparadis Urban has just opened in Ngagel.

Leparadis Urban Surabaya: Menu Prices, Location, and Opening Hours (niceplace.sub Instagram)
Leparadis Urban Surabaya: Menu Prices, Location, and Opening Hours (niceplace.sub Instagram)

How is the ambiance offered at this cafe? Find the location, opening hours, and menu prices here.

Location, Opening Hours, and Menu Prices of Leparadis Urban Surabaya

Leparadis Urban, a cafe with a green oasis in the middle of Surabaya, has been in the spotlight since it recently opened. Here are the details.

Location and Opening Hours of Leparadis Urban

Location and Opening Hours of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)

Leparadis Urban is located at Jalan Ngagel No. 3, Wonokromo, Surabaya City. It opens from 10:00-22:00 WIB from Monday to Sunday.

This cafe is the second outlet of Leparadis. Meanwhile, its first outlet of Leparadis Cafe is in Pandaan, with a natural view of the surrounding area.

Location and Opening Hours of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)

Even though it is located in a busy city, Leparadis Urban has succeeded in presenting a cafe with a fresh atmosphere. From the entrance, you can see how many trees and plants that decorate it.

Inside, there is a fairly spacious indoor space, perfect for me-time or work from cafe. On the other hand, the outdoor area offers a more relaxed impression, perfect for gathering with friends, partner, or family.

Menu Prices of Leparadis Urban

Menu Prices of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)
Menu Prices of Leparadis Urban (niceplace.sub Instagram)

With a budget starting from 10.0000 IDR to 45.000 IDR, you can enjoy varied delicious menus at Leparadis Urban. The food menu consists of rice and Indonesian snacks, as well as pasta and steak.

As for beverages, you can try mocktails, coffee, tea, milk blends, or traditional drinks. Here are the best-selling menus at Leparadis Urban.

  1. Strawberry Tea (9.091 IDR)
  1. Kopi Tubruk (10.000 IDR)
  1. Mie Mantan (12.727 IDR)
  1. Wedang Serai (13.636 IDR)
  1. Tape Goreng (14.545 IDR)
  1. Donat Kentang Cokelat (15.454 IDR)
  1. Pink Paradise Slushy (20.909 IDR)
  1. Butterfly Berry (21.181 IDR)
  1. Pempek (22.727 IDR)
  1. Spaghetti Aglio Olio (23.636 IDR)
  1. Nasi Goreng Nelayan (25.454 IDR)
  1. Matcha Mint Delight (26.364 IDR)
  1. Ayam Tulang Lunak Cabe Hijau (28.182 IDR)
  1. Bebek Goreng Leparadis (32.727 IDR)
  1. Chicken Cordon Bleu (44.545 IDR)
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