Kopi Seraya Surabaya: Menu Prices, Location, Opening Hours

Seraya mobile coffee sells in Marvell City, Bambu Runcing, Siloam Hospital, and RMI Bratang with menu prices of 10.000 IDR to 12.000 IDR.
14 Jun 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Mobile coffee shops in Surabaya are starting to appear a lot, one of which is Kopi Seraya by Toko Kopi Sepakat. This mobile coffee sells from 10.00-22.00 WIB, with locations in Marvell City, Bambu Runcing, Siloam Hospital, and RMI Bratang.

Kopi Seraya Surabaya: Menu Prices, Location, Opening Hours
Kopi Seraya Surabaya: Menu Prices, Location, Opening Hours

Are you curious about the menu they have? Read more about the location, opening hours, and menu prices of Kopi Seraya Surabaya.

Location and Opening Hours of Kopi Seraya Surabaya

Kopi Seraya Surabaya Location
Kopi Seraya Surabaya Location
Kopi Seraya Surabaya Opening Hours
Kopi Seraya Surabaya Opening Hours

Kopi Seraya, which is one of the mobile coffee shops in Surabaya, does not have a permanent shop location. Usually, they are at certain points in Surabaya, such as Marvell City, Bambu Runcing, Siloam Hospital, and RMI Bratang.

They also often attend UMKM bazaar events held in Surabaya, for example Kepo Market. Kopi Seraya's opening hours are 10.00-22.00 WIB.

This Mobile Coffee is a unique idea because you don't need to go into a mall or cafe to enjoy a cup of coffee. Apart from that, the price is also very pocket friendly. You can also invite Seraya Coffee to your special event.

Kopi Seraya Surabaya Menu Prices

Kopi Seraya Surabaya Menu Prices
Kopi Seraya Surabaya Menu Prices
Kopi Seraya Surabaya Menu Prices
Kopi Seraya Surabaya Menu Prices

Kopi Seraya not only sells coffee but also chocolate and tea. There are many choices and the price is very affordable, namely 10.000 IDR to 12.000 IDR.

There are also two bundling packages priced at 15.000 IDR to 20.000 IDR. The following are the prices for the Kopi Suraya Surabaya menu.

  1. Es Kopi Premium Rum/Caramel/Hazelnut (12.000 IDR)
  1. Es Coklat Seraya (10.000 IDR)
  1. Es Teh Peach (10.000 IDR)
  1. Es Kopi Seraya (10.000 IDR)

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