Karang Gantungan Beach: Ticket, Location, Route, Opening Hours

Karang Gantungan Beach in Sukabumi offers the charm of a Balinese beach with a free entrance ticket and easy access.
29 Aug 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Located in Sukabumi Regency, Karang Gantungan Beach is one of the must-visit tourist destinations. Especially for beach and adventure lovers.

Karang Gantungan Beach: Ticket, Attractions, Location, Route, Opening Hours (Octave Google Maps)
Karang Gantungan Beach: Ticket, Attractions, Location, Route, Opening Hours (Octave Google Maps)

Known for its nuances similar to the beaches in Bali, this place offers the appeal of nature that is still pristine. Check out the following article for the location, opening hours, route, and ticket price of Karang Gantungan Beach.

Location, Opening Hours, Route, Attractions, and Ticket of Karang Gantungan Beach Sukabumi

If you are in Sukabumi, Karang Gantungan Beach is a shame to miss. Check the information.

Location and Opening Hours of Karang Gantungan Beach

Location and Opening Hours of Karang Gantungan Beach (Yusup Google Maps)
Location and Opening Hours of Karang Gantungan Beach (Yusup Google Maps)

Karang Gunungan Beach is located on Jalan Surade-Ujung Genteng, Surade, Sukabumi Regency. Open 24 hours every day, you can enjoy the beach view at any time.

Route and Access to Karang Gantungan Beach

Route and Access to Karang Gantungan Beach (Daffa Google Maps)
Route and Access to Karang Gantungan Beach (Daffa Google Maps)

To reach Karang Gantungan Beach, you can follow the route starting from the Kiara Dua route to Jampang Kulon. After that, enter the Surade area and continue the journey for approximately 12 kilometers until you reach the location.

Since the road is quite small and muddy, it is highly recommended to use a local motorcycle taxi provided by local residents. This will make the trip easier at an affordable rate.

Ticket of Karang Gantungan Beach

Ticket of Karang Gantungan Beach (Ari Google Maps)
Ticket of Karang Gantungan Beach (Ari Google Maps)

One of the advantages of Karang Gantungan Beach is the free entrance ticket. This makes it an affordable tourist destination for anyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Attractions of Karang Gantungan Beach

Attractions of Karang Gantungan Beach (Yandi Google Maps)
Attractions of Karang Gantungan Beach (Yandi Google Maps)

Upon arriving at Karang Gantungan Beach, you will be greeted with an extraordinary view from the top of the cliff. This cliff is often used as a photo spot by tourists who want to capture the beauty of the beach from a height.

From here, you can see the ocean with clear water, combined with the towering corals around. The panorama not only eye-pleasing but also provides a sense of peace that is difficult to find elsewhere.

If you want to feel the freshness of the beach water or swim, you can go down the cliff via the wooden stairs provided. Once you arrive at the beach, the appeal of Karang Gantungan Beach becomes more visible.

Tips for Visiting Karang Gantungan Beach

There are several tips you need to know to enjoy a visit to Karang Gantungan Beach. First, make sure you wear comfortable and sweat-absorbent clothing, considering the weather on the beach tends to be hot. Don't forget to bring backup clothes if you plan to swim.

In addition, it is highly recommended to put on footwear for trekking because the road to the beach is not always smooth. Bringing supplies and medicines is also important, although there are stalls and toilets near the beach.

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