Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism: Ticket Prices, Attractions, Opening Hours

Visit Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism for camping and playing fun outdoor rides in a nature ambiance, with a ticket price of 20.000 IDR.
9 Aug 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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A kids-friendly tourist destination is preferred for family vacations. Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism located in Sumedang is a great alternative for a vacation with family or friends.

Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism: Ticket Prices, Attractions, Location, Opening Hours (Darma Google Maps)
Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism: Ticket Prices, Attractions, Location, Opening Hours (Darma Google Maps)

With affordable tickets, the facilities provided are complete and adequate. Read this article for the location, opening hours, ticket prices, and interesting activities at Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism.

Location, Opening Hours, Attractions, and Ticket Prices of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism Sumedang

Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism provides camping facilities, outdoor rides, and a play area for children. Read the details here.

Location and Opening Hours of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism

Location and Opening Hours of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Hasan Google Maps)
Location and Opening Hours of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Hasan Google Maps)

Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism is located in Cijambu, Tanjungsari, Sumedang Regency. This place can be visited every day from 08.00-17.00 WIB. Visitors can come directly or make a reservation at 083825783985/081224176143.

The route to Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism can be started from the Pamulihan toll exit, then turn right to Tanjungsari. Continue straight until you see Kampung Ciherang sign, then turn right.

Follow the road until you find a turn to the right towards Kampung Ciherang. Arriving at the parking area, visitors can walk about 300 meters to the main entrance.

Ticket Prices of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism

Ticket Prices of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Keinarra Google Maps)
Ticket Prices of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Keinarra Google Maps)

The entrance ticket price for Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism is 20.000 IDR per person to explore the swimming pool and photo spots inside. Meanwhile, to camp here, you must pay 40.000 IDR, including the entrance ticket to Kampoeng Ciherang. Visitors can bring their tents or rent them for 60.000 IDR for 3-4 people.

At Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism, there is also a children's pass ticket for 20.000 IDR, with a ball pit, play area, trampoline, and flying fox. With the same rate, the adult pass ticket consists of a hanging bike ride, flying fox, archery, and boat.

Attractions of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism

Attractions of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Mia Google Maps)
Attractions of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Mia Google Maps)
Rides of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Raff Google Maps)
Rides of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Raff Google Maps)

Kampoeng Cihareng Tourism is the most complete holiday destination in the middle of nature. Some of its attractions include a camping area, swimming pool, flying fox, archery, boat, and children's playground.

Attractions of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Dinar Google Maps)
Attractions of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Dinar Google Maps)
Photo Spots of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Arief Google Maps)
Photo Spots of Kampoeng Ciherang Tourism (Arief Google Maps)

As it is located in the middle of the forest, the surrounding atmosphere is calm and far from the noise of the city. For those who want to refresh their minds, this tourist spot is worth being on your visit list.

The camping area is rather separate from the other rides. Camping here, you can relax, eat, and light a campfire while enjoying the view.

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