Kalianget Mangunan Banjarnegara: Ticket Price, Attractions, Opening Hours
Izzah Putri Jurianto
Aug 21

Are you looking for a tourist destination in Banjarnegara that offers cool nature as well as health benefits? Kalianget Mangunan is the answer.

Kalianget Mangunan Banjarnegara: Ticket Price, Attractions, Location, Opening Hours (Bambang Google Maps)
Kalianget Mangunan Banjarnegara: Ticket Price, Attractions, Location, Opening Hours (Bambang Google Maps)

This family tourist spot offers the experience of soaking in a natural hot water pool that is rich in sulfur. Let's explore the attractions of Kalianget Mangunan further!

Location, Opening Hours, Attractions, and Ticket Prices of Kalianget Mangunan Banjarnegara

Kalianget Mangunan offers a complete package for a kid-friendly family vacation. Check out the details below.

Location and Opening Hours of Kalianget Mangunan

Location and Opening Hours of Kalianget Mangunan (Nur Google Maps)
Location and Opening Hours of Kalianget Mangunan (Nur Google Maps)

Kalianget Mangunan is located on Jalan Kalibening-Gripit, Kalibening, Banjarnegara Regency. This place is open from 08.00-18.00 WIB every day.

Ticket Price of Kalianget Mangunan

Ticket Price of Kalianget Mangunan (Hendy Google Maps)
Ticket Price of Kalianget Mangunan (Hendy Google Maps)

To experience soaking in a hot spring pool, the Kalianget Mangunan ticket price is 10.000 IDR per person. This rate includes parking and access to the entire tourist area, including photo spots, a playground, a prayer room, and toilets.

Attractions of Kalianget Mangunan

Attractions of Kalianget Mangunan (Aryadi Google Maps)
Attractions of Kalianget Mangunan (Aryadi Google Maps)
Attractions of Kalianget Mangunan (Java Google Maps)
Attractions of Kalianget Mangunan (Java Google Maps)

The hot spring pools in Kalianget Mangunan are known for their high sulfur content, which is believed to be beneficial for health. Soaking here can help relieve muscle pain, improve blood circulation, provide a deep relaxation effect, and treat various skin diseases.

Kalianget Mangunan is not only suitable for adults but is also kid-friendly. In this tourist area there is a playground with exciting rides, so parents can relax while their children play.

Photo Spot at Kalianget Mangunan (Puthu Google Maps)
Photo Spot at Kalianget Mangunan (Puthu Google Maps)

Not only the pool, the calm natural atmosphere is the main attraction of this tourist spot. Visitors can soak while enjoying the green and beautiful nature. Coming home from here, visitors can feel more positive energy.

Well, it doesn't feel complete if you visit this hot spring pool without capturing precious moments. Don't worry, because many interesting photo spots can be used to capture memories with family.

12:00 AM · Aug 21, 2024