Jogja National Museum: Art Tourism in Yogyakarta

Jogja National Museum is a contemporary art center in Yogyakarta that showcases works by local and international artists with annual exhibitions like ARTJOG.
19 Sep 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Jogja National Museum (JNM) is a contemporary art center in Yogyakarta, showcasing works by local and international artists. The museum is a center for innovative and dynamic art activities, making it a must-visit for art lovers.

Jogja National Museum: Art Tourism in Yogyakarta
Jogja National Museum: Art Tourism in Yogyakarta

Here, visitors can enjoy works of art, sculptures, installations, and various forms of contemporary art that highlight the creativity of young Indonesian artists.

Location and Opening Hours

Jogja National Museum is located at Jalan Prof. DR. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Pakuncen, Wirobrajan, Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is in a strategic area and easily accessible from the city center.

  • Monday–Saturday: 09.00–16.30 WIB

Entry to the museum is free, but visitors need to buy tickets to attend special exhibitions that are taking place.

Attractions of Jogja National Museum

Attractions of Jogja National Museum
Attractions of Jogja National Museum

Contemporary Art Exhibitions

As a contemporary art museum, Jogja National Museum displays diverse art exhibitions, with various art forms such as paintings, installations, and sculptures. The exhibitions feature works by local and international artists that address various relevant social, cultural, and political themes.

ARTJOG: Annual Art Festival

One of the biggest events at Jogja National Museum is ARTJOG, a contemporary art festival held every year. This event showcases the best artworks, attended by artists, art critics, and art lovers from all over the world, making it a highly anticipated exhibition.

Residency and Education Programs

Jogja National Museum is also home to an artist residency program that supports young artists in developing their work. In addition, the museum holds workshops and educational events to introduce fine arts to the wider community.


The museum provides various facilities such as:

  • Air-conditioned exhibition space
  • Public toilets
  • Large parking area
  • Café and souvenir shop

Exhibition Ticket Prices

Although entrance to the museum is free, ticket prices to attend special exhibitions such as ARTJOG vary according to the event being held. Information regarding exhibition ticket prices can be accessed on the museum's official website or announced before the event begins.

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