How to Get Proof of Accommodation for a Schengen Visa

Learn how to get proof of accommodation for Schengen Visa applications, including hotel reservation documents, invitation letters, and lease contracts.
20 Aug 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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When applying for a Schengen Visa, one of the main requirements is to provide proof of accommodation during your trip. This proof is intended to show that you have secured a place to stay in the Schengen area.

How to Get Proof of Accommodation for a Schengen Visa
How to Get Proof of Accommodation for a Schengen Visa

This article will guide you on what documents can be used as proof of accommodation and how to get them.

Why Is Proof of Accommodation Important for a Schengen Visa?

Why Is Proof of Accommodation Important for a Schengen Visa?
Why Is Proof of Accommodation Important for a Schengen Visa?

Proof of accommodation is a mandatory requirement for obtaining a Schengen Visa. It reassures the authorities that you have a legitimate place to stay during your visit, preventing issues like homelessness or illegal activities.

The Schengen Visa covers 27 countries in Europe, including Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Germany, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, France, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Greece.

Whether you’re visiting for tourism, business, or family visits, your visa application won’t be complete without valid accommodation proof. According to Deutsche Botschaft Jakarta, the Schengen Visa is valid for a maximum of 90 days within 180 days.

Types of Documents for Schengen Visa Accommodation Proof

Types of Documents for Schengen Visa Accommodation Proof
Types of Documents for Schengen Visa Accommodation Proof

When applying for a Schengen Visa, the following documents are commonly accepted as proof of accommodation:

1. Hotel Reservation Proof

The simplest way to provide accommodation proof is through a hotel reservation. This document is typically sent via email and must show that your booking is within a Schengen country.

For convenience, consider using a Dummy Hotel Voucher from Wisata App, which acts as a temporary reservation you can use to support your visa application without committing to a full payment. This way, you can ensure your visa is approved before finalizing your booking.

2. Invitation Letter

If you’re staying with friends or family in a Schengen country, an invitation letter is required. This letter should include the inviter’s full name, address, your relationship with them, the dates of your stay, and a copy of their ID or official documents.

3. Lease Contract

Some tourists decide to rent an apartment or house for an extended stay. A lease contract for an apartment or house rental can serve as valid proof of accommodation. Ensure the contract includes your full name, the property’s address, the rental period, and both your signature and that of the property owner.

Similar to the invitation letter, the lease contract must contain clear and important information. Ensure the contract includes your full name, the property’s address, the rental period, and both your signature and the property owner's.

4. Travel Itinerary

Before traveling to another country, you likely have a planned travel itinerary. It details the cities or countries you intend to visit.

A detailed travel itinerary that outlines your entire trip, including all accommodations, can also be used as proof. Make sure to attach reservation confirmations, dates, and addresses for each location you plan to stay.

Easy Tips to Get Proof of Accommodation for a Schengen Visa

Easy Tips to Get Proof of Accommodation for a Schengen Visa
Easy Tips to Get Proof of Accommodation for a Schengen Visa

In essence, applying for a Schengen Visa can be time-consuming and exhausting. If you’re unsure about the documentation, consider seeking advice from a visa consultant or travel agent to avoid mistakes that could jeopardize your application.

The most crucial tip is to ensure the validity and authenticity of the documents. Submitting falsified proof of accommodation can result in visa rejection and future travel bans.

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