Get Your Hotel Vouchers for Visa Application

Applying for Visa? Dreaming of a European escapade? Don't forget the Schengen visa hustle! One of the documents you've got to sort is your accommodation proof.
21 Aug 2023 ·By Adrian Padmodihardjo
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Dreaming of a European escapade? Don't forget the Schengen visa hustle! One of the documents you've got to sort is your accommodation proof. It's like the golden ticket that shows you've got a comfy nest while gallivanting across those Euro nations.

The accommodation proof can be a hotel booking confirmation or a hotel voucher. Now, if you haven't snagged a hotel yet, you can snag a dummy hotel voucher like a bargain-hunting champ. Trust me, it's pocket-friendly!

But hey, before we dive deeper, let's talk Schengen Visa basics, shall we?

Schengen Visa /
Schengen Visa / freepik

What is a Schengen Visa?

So, this visa's like a VIP pass for those craving a Euro tour, but only in the Schengen club. The cool kids in this club are:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Denmark
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Liechtenstein
  • Luxembourg
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Sweden

These Schengen pals inked a pact to ditch border fuss among themselves. Basically, if you're an EU citizen, you're welcome to a passport-free fiesta across these lands. But, if you're sailing from farther shores, you need that Schengen visa ticket to the party.

To score this visa, you need a bunch of papers, including the accommodation proof. This paper's your "where-I'm-crashing" memo in the Schengen zone. You can show:

  • A fancy note from a friend or kin shouting, "They're crashing at my pad!"
  • Or a voucher, a golden ticket for hotel stays.

Booking hotels is like summoning a genie to grant you accommodation proof. Let's face it, finding a friend, fam, or colleague in your Schengen destination? Tricky business! That's why the dummy hotel voucher genie exists, offering you a magic ticket without the hefty price tag.

What is a "Dummy" hotel voucher?

Dummy hotel voucher sample /
Dummy hotel voucher sample / wisataapp

This voucher is like a golden key for visa paperwork. These days, there's a bunch of dummy hotel voucher wizards out there. But here's the real deal: only trust legit vouchers, straight from the hotels' treasure troves. That way, the embassy can do their checks and balances during your visa application. Oh, and there's a bunch of reasons why this voucher might backfire:

  1. If the hotel voucher's past its bedtime or missing key info.
  1. If the nights you're waving on your visa form don't match the voucher's math.
  1. When you're vouching for a hotel not even on the Schengen turf.
  1. When you've got no proof for the whole duration of your stay.
  1. Lastly, if your voucher dance doesn't match the embassy's rhythm.

Where can i get a dummy hotel voucher?

WisataApp dummy hotel voucher service /
WisataApp dummy hotel voucher service / wisataapp

One grandmaster in the art of dummy hotel voucher is Wisata App. This is the offspring of Wisata Jawa Indah, trailblazers in the Indonesian travel realm since '93. Their Wisata App has been the fairy godmother to thousands, crafting hotel bookings and whipping up those precious dummy vouchers for visa dreams.

What's the price? Is it expensive?

Well, brace yourself for a surprise. Wisata App dishes out dummy hotel vouchers starting at Rp 100,000 for the regular service (delivered within 3 days) and Rp 300,000 for the express service (delivered within same day).

How to get your dummy Voucher at Wisata App?

Simple as a spell! Surf your broom to or ride App Store and Google Play Store dragons to their Wisata App lair. Then, click this link to get your dummy hotel voucher. Easy peasy, right? 🚀

Get your dummy hotel voucher now!

Zoom over to Wisata App's lair via, or befriend your smartphone's camera and use it to beam the app into your reality.

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