Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments: Music Lovers’ Travel Destination

Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instrument has more than 1300 musical instruments from various parts of the world, including Indonesia.
29 Mar 2022 ·By Adrian Padmodihardjo
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Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instrument has more than 1300 musical instruments from various parts of the world, including Indonesia.

Hamamatsu City, Japan, is home to a number of well-known musical instrument manufacturers from Japan, including Yamaha and Kawai. This makes Hamamatsu City also known as the city of music. To strengthen this image, the Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instrument is also built in this city.

Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instrument /
Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instrument / gakkihaku

The building houses around 1300 instruments from around the world which are on display at separate exhibitions representing Asia, Oceania, Africa, America, Europe and Japan. A number of musical instruments and cultural attributes from Indonesia are also displayed from here, including Gamelan and Balinese Masks.

Musical instruments from Indonesia at the Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instrument /
Musical instruments from Indonesia at the Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instrument / inhamamatsu

Of course, apart from seeing the visual form of each musical instrument, you can also enjoy the sound of each instrument through the speakers available in each stand. Some of the stands also have monitors showing videos of how each instrument is played.

If you’re lucky, at certain times you can find live demonstrations of the existing musical instruments by the museum staff. Watching the show live certainly provides a different experience from hearing the audio or seeing the video provided at each stand.

Live showcase in Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instrument /
Live showcase in Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instrument / inhamamatsu

Not only that, there is also a hands-on room for those of you who want to play musical instruments such as drums, piano, guitar, as well as a number of other unique instruments from various parts of the world. 🎉

Admission to the museum is in the range of 400-800 yen, depending on age. There is a discount for visits in large quantities.

This museum can be one of music lovers’ travel destinations 🎶

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