5 Most Famous & Delicious Mie Dok Dok in Yogyakarta!
Ayurizka Purwadhania
Jun 14

One of the culinary must-try, when you visit Yogyakarta is Mie Nyemek, more popularly known as Mie Dok Dok. What's Mie Dok Dok? Mie Dok Dok is Indonesia's most delicious instant noodles soup topped with vegetables and side dishes like eggs and sausage with other special spices. Here are 5 recommendations for the most delicious mie dok dok in Yogyakarta that you can try!

Mie Nyemek Bu Siti

Mie Nyemek Bu Siti /  @streetfoodstories
Mie Nyemek Bu Siti / @streetfoodstories

The best Mie Dok Dok in Yogyakarta is Mie Nyemek Bu Siti, located in the center of Yogyakarta. This shop is open every day from 18.00-02.00 WIB. For you spicy lovers, this shop is definitely a must-visit!

Mie Dok Dok Burjo Andeska

Mie Dok Dok /  @gemarkulineran
Mie Dok Dok / @gemarkulineran

Andeska is one of the most popular warmindo (small food depot) in Yogyakarta. This place provides a variety of menus such as warmindo usually and the most delicious mie dok dok in Yogyakarta. For those who want to try it, you can visit the Burjo Andeska in Seturan.

Mie Dok Dok Burjo Panorama

Mie Dok Dok /  @jajanan_salatiga
Mie Dok Dok / @jajanan_salatiga

The next best Mie Dok Dok in Yogyakarta is at Burjo Panorama on Anggajaya street. This outlet is usually very busy at lunchtime and also at night. For those who like the full of spice seasoning, the Mie Dok Dok here is a must-try while in Yogyakarta.

Mie Dok Dok Burjo Sangkuriang

Mie Dok Dok Burjo Sangkuriang /  @gembulfoodie
Mie Dok Dok Burjo Sangkuriang / @gembulfoodie

The recommendation for the most delicious mie dok dok in Yogyakarta is located at Burjo Sangkuriang in Bantul Regency. This stall has become one of the favorite places for students in Yogyakarta to hang out and spend their lunch breaks.

Mie Dok Dok Burjo Motekar

Mie Dok Dok Motekar /  @zabarger.id
Mie Dok Dok Motekar / @zabarger.id

For those of you who have been in Yogyakarta for a long time, you must have been familar with Warmindo Motekar. Besides being famous for its delicious Balinese Chicken Rice, this stall is also known for having the best cheap and affordable noodle menus in Yogyakarta.

This is an article about the most delicious Mie Dok Dok in Yogyakarta. Which place would you like to visit?

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12:00 AM ยท Jun 14, 2022