Chin Chin Restaurant Surabaya: Menu Prices, Location, Opening Hours

Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya sells halal dim sum and Chinese food with prices starting from 25.000 IDR in a luxurious ambiance.
16 Jul 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar adds to the list of Chinese restaurants in Surabaya that you must visit. Located in the strategic Gubeng area, this restaurant has a variety of dim sum and Chinese dishes with prices starting at only 25.000 IDR.

Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya: Menu Prices, Location, Opening Hours
Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya: Menu Prices, Location, Opening Hours

What is the ambiance like at this newest restaurant? Read the following article for the location, opening hours, and menu prices of Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya.

Location, Opening Hours, and Menu Prices of Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya

Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar, a newly opened Chinese restaurant in Surabaya, serves halal cuisine at affordable prices. Read more below.

Location and Opening Hours of Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya

Location and Opening Hours of Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya (goodmealsub Instagram)
Location and Opening Hours of Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya (goodmealsub Instagram)

Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar is located at Jalan Bangka No. 22, Gubeng, Surabaya. Just opening soft on July 13, 2024, this restaurant is open from 10.00-01.00 WIB every day.

Like other Chinese restaurants in Surabaya, Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar also provides a comfortable ambiance. The interior decoration is distinctive and attractive, with red lanterns hanging from the roof.

Not only that, the dining area is also spacious and comfortable. This new restaurant is suitable for gatherings with family, friends, and business colleagues.

Besides regular seating, Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya also provides a bar area. However, their cocktail menu has not yet been officially released and they only serve dim sum and other main menus for now.

Menu Prices of Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya

Menu Prices of Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya
Menu Prices of Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya

Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya menu consists of various types of dim sum, heavy meals, and drinks of halal Chinese dishes. Some menus that you must try including Hakao, Shrimp Wontons, Chicken Soup, and many more. Soon, this restaurant will also serve cocktails at their bar.

Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya menu prices start from 25.000 IDR per portion. Check the list of recommended Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar Surabaya menus below.

  1. Pandan Bakpao
  1. Hakao
  1. Steam Crystal Pocay
  1. Wonton Udang
  1. Ham Sui Kok
  1. Onde-Onde
  1. Siomay
  1. Charsiu Puff Pastry
  1. Egg Tart
  1. Talas Goreng Isi Ayam
  1. Bubur Topping Beef
  1. Sauteed Beef With Green Chili
  1. Chicken Soup
  1. Oolong Tea
  1. Lychee Tea

Are you looking for a dimsum place open until morning in Surabaya? Visit Chin Chin Restaurant & Bar now!

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