Ticket Price of Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin, Route, and Photo Spots

Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin in Dieng, the best spot to view Telaga Warna, is open every day from 06:00 to 17:30 WIB with ticket prices at 10,000 IDR per person.
8 May 2024 ·By Izzah Putri Jurianto
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Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin in Dieng is one of the favorite spots for tourists to enjoy the view of Telaga Warna. Located in the Dieng Plateau area, the ticket price is only 10,000 IDR for each person.

Location of Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin
Location of Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin

What are the attractions at this tourist spot? Let's find out the location, opening hours, route, and attractions of Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin Dieng.

Location and Opening Hours of Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin

Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin is located in the Dieng Plateau area, specifically around Telaga Warna. The address is Jalan Dieng KM. 2, Dieng, Kejajar, Wonosobo.

This natural tourist attraction is open every day from 06:00 to 17:30 WIB. You can visit anytime to enjoy the beautiful natural panorama in Wonosobo.

Route to Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin

Ticket Price of Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin (
Ticket Price of Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin (asaljepretfoto via Instagram)

The route to Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin is not difficult to find. If you have reached the intersection of "Welcome to Dieng," you can take a left turn for about 1.5 kilometers.

Then, you will reach the intersection between Wonosobo and Banjarnegara Regencies. Before this intersection, there is a parking area and Telaga Warna ticket booth.

From there, you can turn left to go to the Dieng Plateau Theater and Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin. Finally, turn left again at the intersection, and you will arrive at your destination.

Ticket Price of Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin

The ticket price for Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin is 10,000 IDR per person. Additionally, there is a parking fee of 3,000 IDR for one motorcycle.

Attractions and Photo Spots at Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin

Photo Spot at Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin (
Photo Spot at Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin (sindiwati_ via Instagram)
Photo Spot at Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin (
Photo Spot at Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin (viraizaa via Instagram)

Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin is the best place to witness the beauty of Telaga Warna. From an altitude of 2,100 meters above sea level, you can clearly see the green color of Telaga Warna.

Next to Telaga Warna is Telaga Pengilon, which has clearer water. Both are the most sought-after tourist icons in the Dieng Plateau.

In addition to the lakes, many visitors come to Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin to see the unparalleled panorama of Wonosobo. Surrounded by mountains, forests, and green farmland, this area is the best photo spot at Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin.

Tips for visiting Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin include paying attention to the weather. It's best not to go to high places during the rainy season to avoid slippery roads.

The best time to visit Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin is in the morning or late afternoon. During these times, the weather is not too hot, and the air feels cooler.

So, what are you waiting for? Plan your vacation to Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin now!

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