Akebi Fruit: Strange Purple Fruit From Japan
Wisata Diary
Feb 2

Akebi is a purple fruit that can be considered quite strange. This plant is native to northern Japan, China and the Korean Peninsula. Because the flowers smell like chocolate, this plant is also called chocolate grapes.

Akebi fruit’s inside is transparent white and edible, it tastes soft and slightly sweet. In Akita Prefecture, Japan, the seeds of this fruit are used to make an oil that has antiseptic properties.

Akebi fruit with purple skin
Akebi fruit with purple skin
The content of the Akebi fruit
The content of the Akebi fruit

Uniquely, Akebi fruit only exists for about two weeks in early autumn, so that it is used as a sign of the changing seasons by Japanese people. The benefits of Akebi fruit are preventing colds and beautifying the skin because this fruit is rich in vitamin C (65 mg), healthy folic acid (30 mcg) and potassium (240 mg).

12:00 AM · Feb 2, 2020